The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Frankfurt Christmas Market launched

22.11.2021 | 18:57 Clock | Citywhispers
Frankfurt Christmas Market launched

Today it was finally time! After the failure last year, the Frankfurt Christmas Market 2021 was opened - but not with an official ceremony. And a lot of other things are different, too, especially since the rising number of cases calls for new measures to combat the further spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Therefore, a general mask obligation applies in Frankfurt on the Christmas market including some closely adjacent areas. This is not nice, but necessary.

The mouth-nose covering may be removed for a short time on the spot to consume food and drink or tobacco products. The pre-Christmas mood only seems to be harmed to a limited extent. When Mayor Peter Feldmann together with Thomas Feda, Managing Director of Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main (TCF), switched on the fairy lights on the 31-metre-high spruce "Gretel" in front of the town hall at 5 p.m., the mood missed by many was immediately back - despite hygiene requirements and the obligation to wear a mask.

And so the equalized and slimmed down Christmas market was already well attended on the first afternoon - probably not only out of longing for this very special Christmas market feeling, but also owed to the uncertainty whether - as in Bavaria or Brandenburg - not also soon in Hesse the Christmas markets are still canceled and also the already opened then have to close again. After all, the regulations have already been tightened at some markets - including Offenbach, Darmstadt and even Frankfurt - while others, such as in Seligenstadt, have been completely cancelled.

As long as it is possible, however, people should be able to enjoy the Frankfurt Christmas market, which also alleviates the financial hardship of the showmen a little. In order for this to remain possible, everyone must abide by the rules (mask obligation, 2G on Friedrich-Stoltze-Platz and Roßmarkt, keep their distance wherever possible). With this in mind: enjoy the Christmas market, be considerate and stay healthy! You can also find more info about the 2021 Christmas Market HERE

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