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Best of Cider Frankfurt RhineMain Societäts Verlag

Best of Cider Frankfurt RhineMain

from: Bernd Buchterkirch, Julia Söhngen

published: Societäts Verlag

on 20.04.2017

Amazon Link : Best of Cider Frankfurt RhineMain

Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region have many beautiful sides and attractive features. Landscape, culture, festivals - residents and visitors are really offered a lot here. But there is one very special unique selling point that makes this region so special: apple wine. It unites the culturally diverse region in a culinary way and, as Mayor Peter Feldmann emphasizes, is part of the region's culinary heritage. It is based on our tradition and craftsmanship. Just as a "Schobbe" makes the end of the day perfect for many people living here, a cider tasting has long been a must for many tourists. Therefore, cider is a very interesting topic for tourism in Frankfurt and the surrounding area, which is why Tourismus + Congress GmbH, together with the Association of Hessian Cider and Fruit Juice Presses (Verband der hessischen Apfelwein- und Fruchtsaftkeltereien e.V.) and Societätsverlag Frankfurt, decided to put together an overview work on the cider culture in the region.

Faithful users should be familiar with the name of the book, as it is the same as our annual "Best of Apfelwein"-choice. The fact that this book, which is aimed at Frankfurt residents as well as all visitors to our beautiful region, now bears the same name is for us only a confirmation of what a good choice we made a little over three years ago with the name for our culinary user votes. But now back to the book, which was presented by OB Peter Feldmann together with the two authors Bernd Buchterkirch and Julia Söhngen, as well as Thomas Feda from the Tourismus + Congress GmbH and Martin Heil, chairman of the Verband der hessischen Apfelwein- und Fruchtsaftkeltereien e.V., in the cider shop of Jens Becker (<link https: geniesser-tipp s geniessertipp die-apfelweinhandlung-jens-becker-offenbart-die-vielfalt-des-apfelweins.html _blank>more about this great location HERE in our Genuss-Tipps).

The book in handy pocket size presents some interesting as well as amusing facts about cider, introduces local medium-sized press houses and their ideas as well as some personalities important for the local cider culture. The reader learns something about the different apple varieties that find their way from the meadow orchard into the ribbed, gets some recipe tips offered and finds here a listing of recommendable wine press houses and cider pubs in Frankfurt, Hanau, Offenbach, the Wetterau or even the Hochtaunus.

The texts are informative, the portraits charmingly written and the accompanying pictures are well chosen. It is fun to browse through the book and to deepen one's knowledge of cider and of our region a little. True, the book is also intended to introduce visitors to Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region to our cider culture. But it also has enough nice tips and information to offer for locals. The nice portraits alone make the book an entertaining read that can be warmly recommended not only to cider lovers. Recommendable

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp