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Cider 2.0 UMSCHAU Buchverlag

Cider 2.0

from: Ingrid Schick & Angelika Zinzow

published: UMSCHAU Buchverlag

on 01.03.2011

Amazon Link : Cider 2.0

"Innovative, noble, diverse", this is how the cider, so popular among Frankfurt residents, presents itself in the new book "Apfelwein 2.0" by Ingrid Schick and photographer Angelika Zinzow. The beautifully designed volume focuses not only on the drink, but also on its makers. It quickly becomes clear that cider is much more than just a delicious drink between meals. In recent years, a whole new generation of cider makers has emerged, taking advantage of the apple's versatility to liberate cider from its dusty image.

And it is precisely this new generation of winemakers that is introduced in the first part of the book, followed by an informative chapter all about apples as a raw material. Growing areas, variety, harvest, all this is illuminated here in an instructive as well as entertaining way. One term describes both the book and the new generation of cider perfectly: versatility! Because just as the book doesn't just highlight one side of modern cider culture, but offers producers, apple varieties, history, top restaurateurs, as well as numerous recipes, "Cider 2.0" also shows tremendous versatility: sparkling apple wine, cider, ice apple, even apple cider mustard, apple cider ice cream, or apple cider soap are now offered - and there seems to be no limit to creativity in handling the gold for the throat.

What makes this book so charming and worth reading is that Ingrid Schick with her texts and Angelika Zinzow with her beautiful pictures not only present the world around cider, but also the people behind the Stöffche. Of course, they do not limit themselves to the region of Frankfurt and Hesse, because cider is not only produced and enjoyed here. For example, they visit the first garage apple winemakers in northern Germany, introduce Thuringia's only apple winemaker, taste Viez from the Saarland or stroll through the meadow orchards in Middle Franconia. In between, the reader is shown how cider is made, witnesses an amusing Facebook discussion about the name "Äppler" or learns that cider can now come not only from the bottle or the Bembel, but also from the can.

"Apfelwein 2.0" is a beautifully designed, informative as well as entertainingly written volume that offers a comprehensive look into the tasty new world of cider culture. The book is as suitable for browsing as it is as a source of many tips. Whether for the next excursion to one of the growing regions or for cooking up the numerous recipes, everyone will find the right source of inspiration here. All this makes this book not only, but especially for cider lovers to an absolute must!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp