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Frankfurt Café Gossip CoCon Verlag

Frankfurt Café Gossip

from: Angelika Zinzow, Thorben Leo, Nicole Hoehne, Michael Behrendt

published: CoCon Verlag

on 24.04.2006

Amazon Link : Frankfurt Café Gossip

What could be better than relaxing with a cup of coffee in a beautiful ambience, enjoying a delicious piece of cake or a hearty breakfast and letting everyday life be everyday? Frankfurt, the metropolis on the Main, offers a wide variety of cafés, ranging from trendy shops and traditional coffee houses to small, very quirky insider tips, with just the right thing for every taste. Angelika Zinzow, Thorben Leo, Nicole Hoehne and Michael Behrendt have dedicated the beautifully and lovingly designed book "Frankfurter Caféklatsch" to this colourful diversity, portraying selected cafés. Not only the ambience and offer are presented, but also the owners and even guests are portrayed.

So the book succeeds first-class in establishing a wonderfully relaxed café atmosphere, which immediately makes you want to visit the presented cafés when leafing through the richly illustrated book. Of course, the many aesthetic pictures also contribute to this, capturing Frankfurt café life in a very fitting and appealing way. This starts with the first pictures of an extremely tasty-looking, freshly set breakfast table, which at the end of the book has fallen victim to the hunger of the guests - but looks no less appealing.

The book presents establishments as diverse as the traditional Café Wackers, the beautiful Café im Liebighaus (always worth a visit for the homemade cake alone!), the Café Hauptwache, which is firmly part of Frankfurt's cityscape, the newcomer Starbucks, but also insider tips such as Café Liebesdienste or the children's café Zebulon. Whether modern and rather cool, whether cosy or functional, whether traditional or shrill, the varied hustle and bustle of Frankfurt's café landscape is presented here in all its facets with a great deal of love for the object. Through the accompanying texts, the book also succeeds in capturing the attitude to life that the individual houses and the people who work or relax in them. It can then, in combination with the viewing of the pictures, transfer directly to the reader, who has the feeling of being able to smell the fresh coffee and the fragrant cakes, hear the buzz of the guests' voices and virtually soak up the relaxing atmosphere of the cafés.

"Frankfurter Caféklatsch" is a wonderful book, which convinces both as an interesting read, but also simply as a picture book to browse. There is simply no better work for this gastronomic side of Frankfurt. Absolutely recommendable!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp