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Frankfurt to stay Reclam

Frankfurt to stay

from: Isabella Caldart (Hrsg.)

published: Reclam

on 25.09.2020

Amazon Link : Frankfurt to stay

Frankfurt has produced some great poets and thinkers. Together with them you can now discover the city once completely new. The booklet "Frankfurt zum Verweilen" by editor Isabella Caldart takes you on a literary walk through the city - a walk that you can experience quite comfortably from the sofa at home, or with the book in hand on the spot at the main station, in the Kleinmarkthalle, in the GrünGürtel or in the Klappergass.

In short introductory texts, the place is introduced as well as the work from which is subsequently quoted. This can be poems as well as novels, letters or song lyrics. Heinrich Hoffmann and his "Struwwelpeter" have their say, as do the unforgettable Matthias Beltz, the writer Eva Demski, Robert Gernhardt, co-founder of the New Frankfurt School, and Goethe's mother Catharina Elisabeth Goethe. Even the cult song about the "Fraa Rauscher from de Klappergass" may not be missing in the volume. The selection of texts is as colorful and varied as the city they describe.

"Frankfurt zum Verweilen" is a literary declaration of love for our city with all its facets - the beautiful as well as the less beautiful. It celebrates things that are dear to the hearts of the people of Frankfurt - such as apple wine taverns or water houses - as well as the culture of the city. It is simply fun to explore the city with this pocket-sized book and, thanks to the accompanying literary texts, to see familiar and beloved places through different eyes or to discover new details about them. No question, with this book, lingering and pausing is just that much more enjoyable.

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp