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Game of Thrones - Behind the Scenes Panini Books

Game of Thrones - Behind the Scenes

from: Bryan Cogman

published: Panini Books

on 01.09.2012

Amazon Link : Game of Thrones - Behind the Scenes

Whether as a book series or a TV series, "Game of Thrones" seems to be the measure of all things at the moment. The series in particular easily eclipses many cinema productions with its mix of opulent sets, sex and violence combined with well-crafted scripts that stick closely to the original. After the first two seasons have run extremely successful in the U.S. and also at the German free TV premiere of the first season gratifyingly many viewers were enthusiastic about the fantasy historical epic, now comes a book in the trade, which offers the reader an exciting look behind the scenes.

After an introduction by author George R. R. Martin, who is very fond of the adaptation of the first novel of his successful book series, and a statement by the two series creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, Bryan Cogman takes readers into the fascinating world of "Game of Thrones", from the Wall to Winterfell to King's Bridges, Westeros, and Essos. All the important people of each land, the various royal families and combatants, are introduced in brief chronicles before moving on to a look behind the scenes. The sets, the costumes, the effects or even the creation of the Dothraki language are presented in detail in numerous chapters. The whole thing is accompanied by numerous photos, with high-quality promo pictures of the series alternating with shots from the shooting, concept drawings and other illustrations.

This creates a very comprehensive insight into the making of the elaborate series. The book is not only a making of, but also a good companion piece to keep track of the numerous characters and their relationships with each other. In addition, the design of the book turned out very handsome. The effort put into the series is just reflected in this companion work, from the beautiful book cover to the design of the individual chapters. So all in all, this is a book that fans of the series and those who want to become fans shouldn't miss. Recommended

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp