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Goethe's grandson Max & Moritz - Back to the Future B3 Verlag

Goethe's grandson Max & Moritz - Back to the Future

from: Helmut Möck und August Krasa

published: B3 Verlag

on 20.11.2011

Amazon Link : Goethe's grandson Max & Moritz - Back to the Future

This can't be a coincidence: shortly after a certain Johann Wolfgang von Goethe passed away, Wilhelm Busch saw the light of day. What if Goethe, after his demise, had been condemned to an accelerated rebirth by the "Great Goose"for lack of humor and knowledge of womankind, and had to prove himself a specialist in these areas as Wilhelm Busch? In "Goethe's Grandson Max & Moritz - Back in the Future" literary scholar Helmut Möck and illustrator August Krasa play with precisely this idea. But they don't just resurrect Goethe in the form of Wilhelm Busch. His most famous intellectual children Max and Moritz also get a second chance. Although the two rascals famously ended up as goose fodder, here they are allowed to hatch fresh from the egg once again and have to deal with puberty, the ladies and old acquaintances in the present. And their role in mythology is also revealed here, as Max and Moritz are direct descendants of Zeus, the father of the gods himself.

Möck and Krasa play wonderfully with references to literature, mythology and psychology, with quotations from Goethe's and Busch's works, thus bowing to these two literary masters in a most humorous way. Whether it's the rhymes or the illustrations, it's always clear with what respect for the subject matter the creators of this literary comic have put their irreverence to paper. Certainly, it is already an advantage if one knows a little about "Faust", Freud, antiquity and of course "Max & Moritz". For it is only by knowing the source material that one will realize the cleverness of this first volume.

However, fear not: one need not be a professor of literature, a trained psychologist, or a historian to be amused by "Goethe's grandson Max & Moritz - Back in the Future". Because charm and wit are present so extensively that the reading just works on the very simple entertainment level and is really fun. If you want to see for yourself how original, cheeky and clever classics of literature can be handled, you should definitely take a look at this literary comic!

You can find even more information about the series at: <link http: _blank>

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp