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Rock`n`Roll Fever Edel Verlag

Rock`n`Roll Fever

from: Guido Sieber & Franz Dobler

published: Edel Verlag

on 07.10.2010

Amazon Link : Rock`n`Roll Fever

The book "Rock`n`Roll Fever", which Edel Verlag has published together with Caricatura Museum Edition to accompany the exhibition of the same name by Guido Sieber with texts by Franz Dobler, is much more than an exhibition catalogue. For the pictures by the painter and passionate record collector Sieber are not simply complemented by accompanying texts. Rather, there is a very special symbiosis between Sieber's paintings and Dobler's texts that makes the book a great art book, but also an entertaining work on music history.

This is not an encyclopedia that leads linearly through the history of popular music. Rather, it also establishes connections, questions fads, or demystifies icons. Dobler, who has written a successful biography of Johnny Cash, among others, comments on Sieber's drawings and paintings, but embeds these comments in a much broader context that is difficult for the reader to escape. For the book, which has become much more comprehensive than originally intended, is extremely engagingly written and just plain fun to read.

The interplay of text and image works first-rate, and it becomes clear time and again that two absolute aficionados and connoisseurs of the scene were at work here. Rarely does a companion book to an exhibition work so well completely independently of the exhibition visit, as is the case with "Rock`n`Roll Fever". Absolutely recommendable!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp