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The Body Book - Health Fitness Beauty in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main Journal Frankfurt

The Body Book - Health Fitness Beauty in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

published: Journal Frankfurt

on 28.04.2013

Amazon Link : The Body Book - Health Fitness Beauty in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

This winter was long and hard. And for many, the permafrost was a good reason to retreat into comfort and put on protective pounds. But with the end of winter and summer approaching, some will be looking for a way to shed those same winter pounds. Others, on the other hand, may simply want to find somewhere to relax after the few hours of sunshine in the spring, in order to face the summer in a good mood. And still others want to do something for their own health right now. There are many opportunities for all of this in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region. But where the correct for the own needs find?

"The Body Book", the new special edition of the journal Frankfurt, is there exactly the correct. On over 170 sides 500 Tipps for body, spirit and soul are offered to the reader. Whether "Fit & Active", "Beautiful & Relaxed" or "Healthy and vital", the booklet offers addresses and important information from fitness studios, spas & saunas, spas, day spas, options for yoga, Pilates, massages, acupuncture and and. Specials around the topics of nutrition, children, teeth and seniors, as well as more detailed portraits of Hessian spas, the Hochtaunus Kliniken and other facilities provide additional information content, which is also maintained in other short articles, such as the discussion pro and contra Homöopartie.

Who after browsing through the special issue got the desire to do something for their own health, fitness or beauty and visit one of the facilities presented here, at the end also 36 vouchers are offered, which allow attractive 2 in 1 offers and discounts.

Whether problems with snoring, the intention to stop smoking, eye lasers, teeth whitening, tattoo removal, the search for pure relaxation, tips on proper sauna or joint-friendly running, "The Body Book" offers the right answer to almost all questions in the field of fitness, wellness and beauty in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main. And for this we also give it a well-deserved: recommendable!

All further info and ordering options can be found at: <link http: service_shop_sonderhefte_einzel _blank>Link

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp