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The Great Frankfurt Cookbook Verlag Gebrüder Kornmayer

The Great Frankfurt Cookbook

from: Evert Kornmayer

published: Verlag Gebrüder Kornmayer

on 01.07.2012

Amazon Link : The Great Frankfurt Cookbook

"Wen Gott lieb hat, dem gibt er Wohnung und Nahrung in Frankfurt". This quote from Johann Hermann Dielhelm from the 18th century introduces "The Great Frankfurt Cookbook". The love of Frankfurt and its cuisine revealed in this quote has also been beautifully captured by Evert Kornmayer in his extensive collection of recipes. In 21 chapters, the versatility of Frankfurt's specialities is demonstrated here. It is not only the Green Sauce, ribs with cabbage and apple wine that spoil the Frankfurt palate. Certainly, the herbs of the Green Sauce and also apples appear again and again in some variation in the 240 recipes of the book. But all in all, Frankfurt cuisine is much more colourful and varied than one might think.

Kornmayer not only draws on traditional recipes for his collection, but also spices the whole thing up with many modern kitchen classics. Thus, in addition to dishes from grandmother's time such as pickled hand cheese or pike perch in the style of Goethe's Aunt Melber and classics such as Frankfurter Brenten or Leiterchen, you will also find contemporary variations Grüne-Sosse-Eis or Riederwälder Curryfrikadellen. Whether appetizers and snacks, cheese dishes, soups, stews, pasta, poultry, sauces, pies or drinks, the mix of tradition and modernity makes this extensive collection of Frankfurt specialties a real treat.

Although the photos do not always do justice to the taste of the dishes depicted, this only marginally spoils the reading and cooking pleasure. The recipes are presented in a clear and easy-to-follow manner, and important kitchen terms and units of measurement are also explained in an introductory section. The whole is rounded off by a small journey through the culinary Frankfurt, its markets and festivals, as well as by some important basic recipes, which can be found in the appendix.

Designed with its gold embossing very appealing "grosse Frankfurter Kochbuch" has absolutely earned its name. Because this extensive and with a lot of obvious passion compiled collection of recipes around the Frankfurt cuisine offers for really every taste the right dish. Not only, but of course especially for Frankfurt hobby cooks absolutely recommendable!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp