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The Palmengarten Societäts Verlag

The Palmengarten

from: Beate Taudte-Repp

published: Societäts Verlag

on 27.11.2012

Amazon Link : The Palmengarten

A Guide to Frankfurt's Green Oasis

For over 140 years now, the Palmengarten has been an ever-changing oasis in the middle of Frankfurt's urban jungle. The botanical garden, which was founded in 1868 by some respected citizens of Frankfurt and was able to open its doors for the first time just a few years later, continues to enjoy unbroken popularity in the 21st century. It is not only the big events, such as the Rose and Light Festival or the "Garten" Exhibition, which attract visitors year after year. It is the very special atmosphere emanating from the exotic plants, the green spaces or the palm house that always makes a visit fascinating, relaxing and simply beautiful. However, the immense variety and richness of species that the Palm Garden has to offer actually makes it almost impossible, even for trained eyes, to explore all aspects of this oasis and discover all its secrets, even on multiple visits.

2005 Beate Taudte-Rupp first took her readers on a guided tour of the Palmengarten. Over the years, however, the botanical garden has changed again and again, necessitating a revision of the book. Such a revision is now available in the now third edition of "Der Palmengarten". Taudte-Rupp guides the reader in detail through the garden and its show houses, from the Rose Garden to the Palm House, the Society House, the Tropicarium and the Leonhardsbrunn House. This first part of the book has seventeen stations, in which there is not only a lot of interesting information about the buildings and their history, but also about the plants that live in them. In addition, there are a number of appealing illustrations that make you want to explore what you have just read on site as soon as possible.

After the guided tour of the Palmengarten, Beate Taudte-Rupp also takes a look at the various events that regularly take place here, whether art, music or festivals, whether for adults or for children. Throughout the year, the Palmengarten has a colourful and very varied programme to offer, of which a fairly good overview is provided here. At the end it becomes very interesting to have a look behind the scenes. The reader is not only offered a condensed overview of the history of the Palmengarten. It also becomes clear how much work goes into maintaining the botanical garden and what educational significance it has. After all, the Palmengarten is so much more than simply a green oasis in the heart of Frankfurt.

"The Palmengarten" is an interesting and entertaining guide to this very special place, especially recommended for those readers who want to explore this botanical garden with completely different eyes and a more intense, trained gaze on their next visit, or who simply want to learn more about the history, the work of the gardeners and the wealth of plants. Recommended!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp