40 Years of Titanic - The Final Title Exhibition

This event has already taken place!
Caricature museum frankfurt
Event dates:
Entry: 6,00 Euro, erm. 3,00 Euro
Weckmarkt 17
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Titanic celebrates its 40th birthday - together with the icons of its cover pictures! Whether pear, Genschman, roast pork, Pinkelpapst or Zonen-Gaby: the front pages of the last four decades embody the magazine's claim of "definitive satire". With all comical means, from nonsense to riot, the limits of the ridiculous, of good and bad taste as well as of any prevailing attitude were and are tested - often with funny, but sometimes also with frightening results. The TITANIC editorial office, founded in 1979 by the gentlemen of the New Frankfurt School as a self-determined place of publication, has remained the freest in the country to this day. Without the influence of publishers, politicians or advertisers, it can decide month by month how to use or abuse this freedom, can determine where satire ends and fun begins. This ensures that it still exists and is interesting after 40 years - despite the powerful competition in the press, TV and Internet, which is largely due to the influence of TITANIC on German comedians. No Otto Waalkes, no Harald Schmidt, no Heute-Show, no Jan Böhmermann would have been possible without TITANIC (don't expect an apology for that!).40 years after the founding of TITANIC and 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall - and thus the birth of the legendary Zonen-Gaby - the Caricatura Museum presents a selection of the best cover pictures and their effects.On display are the scandals, such as the crayon sucker on "Wetten, dass...", the bribe for the awarding of the 2006 World Cup, the fake Russian scandal at the "Bild" newspaper. Even the forbidden pages of Germany's most banned magazine can be viewed - if you dare. There will also be a look into the editorial workshop, with numerous original works by F. K. Waechter, Hans Traxler, Robert Gernhardt, Chlodwig Poth, F. W. Bernstein, Hilke Raddatz, Rudi Hurzlmeier, Franziska Becker, Wolfgang Herrndorf, Ernst Kahl, Michael Sowa, Greser & Lenz, Stephan Rürup and Leo Riegel, with original props, models and title motifs to recreate. The focus is on the reunification of Germany and its aftermath. In keeping with Chlodwig Poth's masthead motto "The final division of Germany - that is our mission", the exhibition traces the career of Zonen-Gaby, the renationalisation of the united country and the editors' desperate attempts to rebuild the Wall. On the basis of the TITANIC titles, a raucous as well as whimsical counter-history of four German decades emerges, which sometimes seems more precise and prophetic than even jokers might like - after all, they often ultimately wanted nothing more than to laugh at the world and the times, as many a silly or absurd cover makes clear. Text source and wother information: http://caricatura-museum.de/files/caricatura/bilder/ausstellung/20191003_40%20Jahre%20Titanic/2019%20CMF%20Titanic%20Folder%20v07%20Fin%20Ansicht.pdf

40 Years of Titanic - The Final Title Exhibition
May 2024
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