
This event has already taken place!
Concerts - Rock & Pop
Event dates:
Entry: 16 Euro, reduced 12 Euro plus fee. Fee
Kleyerstraße 15
60326 Frankfurt am Main
"Choralle .macht was hair" is the name of the new song recital of the Frauenchor Choralle. The women's choir Choralle brings music from self-confessed Beatles fans such as Sting, Prince, Annie Lennox, Pharell Williams and many more, and of course from the mushroom heads themselves, to the stage and asks itself in passing what all this actually has to do with hair. - Or is that splitting hairs? The Frankfurt women's choir Choralle under the direction of Hanna Klein has been in existence for over 20 years. The new program premiered with us on April 30 and is now being recorded again due to popular demand. With: Frauenchor Choralle
at the piano: Charlotte Neumann
Conduction: Hanna Klein
with: DJane Sol
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