Circles - Manèges

This event has already taken place!
stage Ampersand book - Theater
Event dates:
26.08.2017 - 20:00 Clock (Saturday)
28.08.2017 - 10:00 Clock (Monday)
Entry: 14 euros
Kleyerstraße 15
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Maria and Pierre, a couple in private, colleagues at work, are two showmen. They run a carousel and put on little circus acts for children. But Maria has had enough of that. She wants a new life, more money to travel and fulfill her dreams. He, however, is not moving from the spot: a sandbox poet, content with his life; one who prefers to take his time, enjoy life and take it easy. And so a heated argument ensues. The sparks fly... But since they love each other and basically share the same desires, the dispute finds an unexpected outcome, the privileged and energetic witness of which will be the audience. Manèges (Circles) is not a clown or circus play. The circus world only plays a role in the protagonists' profession. The action takes place outside working hours, in the characters' private lives. It is a play about a couple. It is amusing, sometimes painful, profound and optimistic at the same time. The arguments are funny, excessive, loving. The ending full of fantasy. The idea of performing the same piece in two different languages, working between two languages - one familiar, the other foreign - is not meant to be an ampersand#039;performance' but rather to represent a gesture of openness, of a 'moving towards'. To step away from the usual language to listen to a different 'music', to enrich each other, and perhaps to take a new look at things. Text source and more information about this event:

Circles - Manèges
May 2024
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