Die Wellbappn (around ex-Biermösl Hans Well) - Schneller

This event has already taken place!
Concerts - Schlager
Event dates:
Waldschmidtstr. 19
60316 Frankfurt
"Schneller"! The title of the 2nd album of the Wellbappn, is also the program of the new Blosn around ex-Biermösl Hans Well. Barely three years after their formation, Hans Well and his children are already releasing their second CD. After all, the expenses for the musical education of the children have to be recouped. The second generation has mastered the violin, viola and double bass as well as the trumpet, tuba, accordion, saxophone, flute, bagpipes, mandolin, hurdy-gurdy and guitar - at least! Musicality is simply in this family's blood. Sarah (23), Tabea (22) and Jonas (19) blow "a refreshing new wind in`s old sail" with youthful verve and masterly skill. They graciously let their father play along - after all, he hasn't forgotten anything as a lyricist. So Hans Well writes the lyrics, his offspring criticizes, improves, sets his works to music in several voices and drives his father to despair with virtuoso pieces of music - sometimes even to practice. New songs are quickly put into practice. In the proven style of Hans Well, the topics are based in the middle of society and make fun of fellow men, responsible political heads or themselves in the best manner. The result is a home sound that doesn't forget the lower body and head in addition to the Bavarian feeling. The Hoeneß-Passion is joined by a fan song of militant mothers of the F-student team of Hausen, the Pentecost song by the notorious low from the northwest. The genius of the foreigner toll, the headwind in the energy turnaround or the need for protection of constitutional protection or BND, completely ignored by society and the press, are sung about with due respect. The quartet does not mince words, attacks explosive political issues as well as church affairs, school problems and youth culture, but their mockery and bite never slips below the belt. There's plenty of comedy, but also plenty of thoughtfulness, and thankfully no platitudes. The lyrics are thoughtful, illuminated by common sense, comprehensible to every listener, sometimes bitterly nasty, sometimes affectionately mocking. Wellbappn, that's a new, fresh musical satirical wind, an incredibly loose, relaxed vocal cabaret in which the routine dad never takes himself too seriously, a cross-generational virtuoso treat. The enthusiastic reactions of press and audience show that this combination of youth and experience harmonizes perfectly, despite family ties. "Snotty and carefree, urbayerisch and barbed" was the verdict of the Süddeutsche Zeitung. With their mixture of folk music and cabaret, the Wellbappn have already gained a fan base far beyond the borders of the Bavarian cabaret scene. After all, many fans in Bavaria, Austria and Germany still know Hans Well very well from the time when he caused a sensation with his brothers. Text source and more information about the event at: http://xn--dieks-jra.en/

Die Wellbappn (around ex-Biermösl Hans Well) - Schneller
May 2024
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