
This event has already taken place!
City of Langen
Event dates:
24.06.2017 - 15:00 Clock (Saturday)
25.06.2017 - 14:00 Clock (Sunday)
26.06.2017 - 10:30 Clock (Monday)
Entry: Free admission
Südliche Ringstraße 80
63225 Langen

Since 1974, the festival has been celebrated on the last weekend in June and has created a large, enthusiastic audience far beyond Langen's borders. The focal point is the four-tube fountain, from which only "Ebbelwoi" flows on the four festival days and has become a popular meeting place and com­mu over the years.Ampersandshy;ni­ka­tions­zen­trum for young and old.

The generous supporting program, such as the fireworks, the singing of the Langen choirs, Ebbelwoidaaf, Ebbelwoistaffel, Frühschoppen, a modern Ver­gnü­gungs­park and last but not least the picturesque, hospitable old town with ro­man­tic hedge inns and the Kirch­hof, never fail to captivate the Be­su­cher. Also the Bachgassenmarkt, Saturday and Sun­days­after­with­tags has now become a fixture of this one­umpteen­arti­gen folk festival.

Langen's festival mile with food, candy and beverage stands, as well as the rides that are very popular with children and young people, open early Friday afternoon.

Ebbelwoianstich is at the Vier­röh­ren­brun­nen on the Wil­helm-Leusch­ner square in front of the city­kir­che, on Free­day­evening ge­gen 18:00 o'clock, to the Ab­conclusion of the Ta­ges follows the annual­li­che Bril­lant­feu­er­work above the Alt­city, so­soon it dun­kel ge­wor­den is.

On Saturday afternoon, the Ebbelwoidaaf and the crowning of the Ebbel­woi& will follow.shy;kö­nigs, except­dem wer­den re­gel­mä­ßig "Oige­plackte" from the Brun­nen­wirt to ech­ten Lang­en­ern "ge­daaft".

Saturdays and Sundays between 14:00 and 22:00, fin­det ent­lang the creek­gas­se the be­dear­te brook­gas­sen­market takes place. At market­stän­den bie­ten Lang­en­er and guest­te from the Re­gion art­hand­work, book­cher, jewelry, de­ko­ra­tions­ar­ti­kel, residential­ac­ces­soir­es and art­who­ke at.

Son­ntag­before­with­tag zum Früh­schop­pen the Eb­bel­woi­staf­fel in the Fest­tent at the Wil­helm-Leusch­ner square ver­an­stal­tet, at which many ver­one, Grup­pen and friend­schafts-Cli­quen to Ge­schick­lich­keits-Wett­be­werb ge­gen­ei­nander an­tre­ten and finally­lich the best­ten groups­pen chosen and awarded with Me­dail­len and Po­ka­len ge­honored wer­den.

The Mon­tag­before­with­tag is quite in the zei­chen of the Langener, "Oi­ge­plack­ten" and guests­ten, who at the Vier­roar­brun­nen to the in­for­mel­len morning­schop­pen, the ebb­woi­firm Re­vue pas­sieren las­and the annual­li­s festival­days ai­a calm­s out­sound­fen . And looking forward to next time.

Who ger­ne with a pri­va­t hedges­wirt­shank to the­sem histo­ric celebration be­parti­gen would like­te, the VVV helps and gives information - In­teres­sed please contact the Brun­ne­nwirt H.G. Sehring at 06103-25406

Text source and further information about this event: http://www.vvv-langen.de/index.php?nav=ebbelwoifest-details

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