Ensel and Krete

This event has already taken place!
stage Ampersand book - Theater
Cellar Theatre Frankfurt
Event dates:
02.06.2018 - 20:30 Clock (Saturday)
08.06.2018 - 20:30 Clock (Friday)
09.06.2018 - 20:30 Clock (Saturday)
19.10.2018 - 20:30 Clock (Friday)
20.10.2018 - 20:30 Uhr (Saturday)
16.11.2018 - 20:30 Clock (Friday)
17.11.2018 - 20:30 Clock (Saturday)
Entry: 12 Euro, reduced 6 Euro
Mainstraße 2
60311 Frankfurt am Main
One day, the Fhernhachen dwarves Ensel and Krete are transported to the forbidden part of the Great Forest. In the process, the young brother and sister get deeper and deeper into the eerie grove, where not only the vicious Forest Spider Witch and the dangerous Leaf Wolf lurk. A whole menagerie of extraordinary Zamonian creatures also lives there, such as the many-eyed stardust, the hungry half moray or the insidious stollen troll. As the narrator of the "Tale of Zamonia", the legendary Zamonian great writer Hildegunst von Mythenmetz introduces his supreme invention - the Mythenmetzian digression - with which he obviously intends to drive viewers and critics mad. Text source and further information about this event: http://www.kellertheater-frankfurt.de/produktionen/enselUndKrete/index.html

Ensel and Krete
May 2024
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