Jürgen Kaube - The Beginnings of Everything

This event has already taken place!
stage Ampersand book - Reading & book launch
Literaturhaus Frankfurt am Main e.V.
Event dates:
Entry: 9,00 / 6,00 Euro
Schöne Aussicht 2
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Moderation: Peter Kemper For once don't talk about the end:With the F.A.Z.-Editor When everyone is talking about the end, it is good that someone thinks about the beginnings. F.A.Z. editor and feuilleton chief Jürgen Kaube devotes himself to the absolute beginners. Since when has the upright walk existed? How did the miracle of language come about? How did religion, law, trade, money, music or town planning come into the world? When did people begin to bury their dead, and why do most cultures value monogamy? Kaube provides answers to these questions, which political and cultural conflicts often continue to puzzle us today. And in this essay, published by Rowohlt, Kaube thus tells us about the beginnings of humanity. Did language come via the smacking sounds? Was writing initially a mnemonic aid for counting cattle? And the first money served as a religious offering in 1200 BC? Is that why we bend over backwards for it? The science author in reading and conversation. Friendly support from the Fazit Foundation Source of text and further information about this event: http://literaturhaus-frankfurt.de/programm/termine/buchpremiere-juergen-kaube-die-anfaenge-von-allem-2017-08-28/

Jürgen Kaube - The Beginnings of Everything
May 2024
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