Ladies Night

This event has already taken place!
stage Ampersand book - Theater
Fritz Rémond Theatre
Event dates:
Entry: 28,50 Euro | 25,50 Euro | 21,50 Euro | 17,50 Euro
Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1
60316 Frankfurt am Main
A run-down English­che Indus­tri­es­tadt and in the middle of it all, three friends - with no job, no plan, no perspectiv­tive: There's Craig, who has a new "surefire thing" going on every day, yet is only ever on the run from his creditors; Barry, eternally broke, fighting like a lion to visit­s right to his little boy, and good-natured Norman squats around the pub for days on end because his wife doesn't even know about his work­sness yet. The three keep themselves afloat with Gelegen­heit­sjobs and empty future fan­tasien, until one day Chippendales fever breaks out among their wives. Then all of a sudden an idea is born: They are not beautiful - also not quite young anymore, but they have a plan: As "The Wild Bulls" they offer male striptease. But already at the first casting - after all, they still need fellow dancers - the all-decisive question arises­d: All or not at all?! The turbulent­lente comedy by New Zealand­d writers Stephen Sinclair and Anthony McCarten premiered in Auckland in 1987ère and became a successful­land in his native­gre.x>Ampersandshy;me­s theater­play of all time. For the amusing story of the unusual­l struggle of quite ordinary­people against work­The play, which is about the struggle of ordinary people against work­leness, lack of money and dreariness as well as the courage to dare something completely new, won the French­sis­chen Prix Molière as best stage comedy of the year in 2001. In the 2003/04 season, Ladies Night also developed­elt into an absolute hit with audiences at the Fritz Rémond Theater. For the 70th anniversary of the Zoothe­ater the unerschrock­e­nen men now return to the Frank­furter stage! (Text: Fritz Remond Theater)

Ladies Night
May 2024
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