
This event has already taken place!
Concerts - Jazz & Blues
Jazzlokal Mampf
Event dates:
Sandweg 64
60316 Frankfurt am Main
Dominic Stahl (p), Francesco Rezzonico (b), Tobias Schmid (dr) In the time-honored metier of the piano trio, the three young musicians of Stahlwerk have found their own path. This leads them since 2013 through the Swiss clubs and concert venues. If you think of a metal formation or an industrial rock band when you hear the band's name, you're mistaken. The sound of Stahlwerk blends influences from jazz, classical music, minimal music and pop into a highly individual sound language. The pieces come from the pen of Basel pianist Dominic Stahl. Stahl completed classical piano training in Lucerne before turning increasingly to jazz in further studies. Dominic Stahl found musical comrades-in-arms and kindred spirits in the Bernese drummer Tobias Schmid and the Ticino bassist Francesco Rezzonico at the Basel Jazz School. Together, the trio developed the Stahlwerk sound cosmos. Now follows "Grund", the band's first studio album. The nine tracks on the record form a cross-section of the trio's musical output to date. It is music in constant flux. Melodic lines and complex rhythmic patterns overlap, gaining form only to dissolve again in an ecstatic build-up. Stahlwerk send their themes on long journeys through different musical realms, over dynamic hills and dreamy landscapes. For the listener, the delicate crystalline structures fade into the background, one listens to the themes and rejoices in their return, allows oneself to be intoxicated by the compression of the grooves or falls into the contemplative maelstrom of circling patterns. At times, the band veers from the clear patterns of their pieces and enters into free improvised interplay. Through many years of making music together, Stahlwerk have created the freedom to vary over the complex structure of their pieces, and in this way constantly fathom their music anew. It is precisely in that combination of compositional rigor and lustful spontaneous interaction that the uniqueness of this Stahlwerk lies. Text source and further information about this event:

May 2024
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