Supertramp's Roger Hodgson

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Concerts - Rock & Pop
Event dates:
Philippsruher Allee 45
63454 Hanau
Roger Hodgson co-founded British rock legend Supertramp in 1969 and was a musically creative member of the band until his departure in 1983. During the 14 years he spent with the band, he wrote, sang and arranged most of the old-time hits that made Supertramp a worldwide phenomenon. With his timeless classics such as "Give a Little Bit", "The Logical Song", "Dreamer", "Take the Long Way Home", "Breakfast in America", "School", "Fool's Overture" and "It's Raining Again", the band sold well over 60 million albums worldwide.
While many are unfamiliar with the name Roger Hodgson, everyone recognizes his distinctive voice - one of the most distinctive voices in rock history! The classic hit songs the musician wrote and sang - also called "Supertramp" songs - are actually Roger Hodgson songs.
.In 2018, Hodgson continues to play all those hit songs he recorded with Supertramp alongside his other classics - "Sister Moonshine", "Child of Vision", "Hide in Your Shell", "Even in the Quietest Moments" and crowd-pleasers from his solo albums - "Had a Dream", "Only Because of You", "Lovers in the Wind", "In Jeopardy". Accompanied by a stunning four-piece band, Hodgsons' will make stops in numerous countries as part of his "Breakfast in America" tour. Text source and more information about this event:

Supertramp's Roger Hodgson
May 2024
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