The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
February 2025
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addresses of restaurants & bars in Frankfurt
Frankfurt-Tip Guide 2020 - read now

Epicurean Tip

In Frankfurt, enjoyment is particularly important. Let yourself drift and discover here our restaurant tips, Frankfurt cafés, cool bars, delicatessens in Frankfurt, true gourmet temples, street food markets and much more. The variety of restaurants in Frankfurt will inspire you. There is a place to go in Frankfurt for every taste. Do you have a sweet tooth? Then the cosy little cafés in Frankfurt with their sweet tarts, creamy coffee specialities and handmade chocolates are just made for you. Do you love hearty food? Frankfurt's cuisine has a lot to offer. Here you will find lots of tips on how to enjoy typical Frankfurt food. But international cuisine is also popular in the Main metropolis.

Category: Whisky-Blog

Der Frankfurter Whisky-Papst Frank Jerger bietet in unserem Whisky-Blog regelmäßig Wissenswertes rund um das „Braune Gold“.  In der Frankfurter City betreibt Frank Jerger einen Fachhandel mit dem Namen WHISKY FOR LIFE. Neben Whisky-Sorten aus aller Welt bietet er in seinem liebevoll gestalteten Laden in der Fahrgasse auch Obstbrände, Cognac und Portwein an und veranstaltet ein- bis drei Mal wöchentlich Tastings.