The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region


For sorrel soup, or "Sauerampelsupp" as the Frankfurter says, you will need the following ingredients:


- 250 g sorrel leaves

- 1 litre clear meat stock

- 40 g flour

- 40 g butter

- 1/8 litre crème-fraiche

- 2 egg yolks

- and salt, pepper

- and, to taste, a little sugar.


First wash the sorrel leaves well and then put them into an empty pot while they are still wet. Then pour a cup of the beef stock over the leaves and steam the whole thing for about 5 minutes. When the sorrel is then soft, you need to puree it. The flour is then lightly sweated in the butter, poured over with the remaining meat stock and cooked through. The pureed sorrel is now added and the whole thing is then seasoned with salt, pepper and sugar as required. Now you have to beat the crème fraîche with the egg yolk until foamy and add it to the soup while stirring constantly. Let it simmer for a while on a low flame. The soup must not really boil anymore! The "Sauerampelsupp" tastes even better if you give bread or bread cubes in the soup when consuming. Bon appetite.