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Modefieber in Frankfurt - Stilblüten Festival für Mode und Design

05.12.2014 | 06:57 Clock | Mode
Modefieber in Frankfurt - Stilblüten Festival für Mode und Design
Modefieber in Frankfurt - Stilblüten Festival für Mode und Design

Okay, the first candle on the Advent wreath is lit, glows homely every evening and warms your heart. Gradually the presents at home are piling up, which still have to be wrapped and the next Christmas market date is already waiting. All well and good! But this weekend, a date in the city beckons that no fashion-interested person can afford to miss: already <link http: stilbluten-mein-designfavorit.html _blank>For the ninth time, the Stilblüten are holding their festival for fashion and design in the Mercedes-Benz Fahrzeughalle on Hanauer Landstraße, turning Frankfurt into a fashion mecca.

In addition to local fashion designers such as "Coco Lores", the label for feminine and elegant office fashion, the exhibitors include numerous designers from Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne and Düsseldorf. Austria and the Netherlands are also represented. Many new talents are making their debut at the festival.

So fashion fever knows no bounds, as this is an exhibition for the extraordinary in fashion, hats, bags, jewellery, product and interior design. A special feature: throughout the festival, the design talents will be available to visitors for questions and exchanges. No wonder that the magazine of the Kunsthalle Schirn speaks of a "must-attend event for design fans" and the Frankfurter Rundschau says: "<link http: _blank>Stilblüten celebrates the courage to add one's own touch".

What with numerous actions, such as <link http: was-ist-mode-thesen-vom-podiumsgesprach.html _blank>panel discussions on the topic "What is fashion?" studio visits and parties in the run-up to the event, culminates this weekend with the "Stilblüte" design prize, awarded by a jury of experts to the best design achievement of the festival.

Three fine gifts
A Little Wellness......