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A Little Wellness......

12.12.2014 | 07:55 Clock | Wellness
A Little Wellness......
A Little Wellness......
A Little Wellness......

Phew! And pooh again! The third advent is just around the corner and I just bought some wrapping paper, ideas too. But they also want to be implemented and realized. The package to Japan for my girlfriend is still not tied, let alone transported to the post office. Oh - I don't even want to pursue that thought, just thinking about the counter queue....But the fact is that the same thing happens every year: I wish for a relaxed pre-Christmas period and out comes what feels like the most stressful month ever. A colleague falls ill and I have to fill in, a project deadline is shortened, and an interesting offer comes my way. I am glad - toi,toi,toi - that the cold bacilli have spared me so far. Which I can be a little proud of myself for, yes? Because either I allowed myself enough sleep or - here it comes - I finally used the sauna offer of the sports club of my heart, the TG Bornheim.

Because why did I ask myself, do I always manage to schedule wellness appointments only on vacation, be it massage or beautician? So the bag was packed with bathrobe and slippers flux, after three sauna sessions with extensive rest breaks the little holiday in everyday life succeeded, my mood better, the circulation brought up to speed and the body soothed. For all you relaxation seekers, here are a few personal tips:

  • <link http: _blank>TG Bornheim Fitness and Sauna
  • <link http: _blank>Thai Massage in <link http: _blank>entire Frankfurt
  • Wellness is also offered by many hotels, including the <link https: de hotels-and-resorts villa-kennedy spa _blank>Villa Kennedy or the <link http: en the-spa _blank>Frankfurter Hof Steigenberger an


PS: Little extra tip: If you don't have a voucher booklet yet, definitely get one, because in it you'll find tons of offers for hairdressing, cosmetics and wellness. With two friends we spent a refreshing Friday afternoon in the spa

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