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Nice and shady, fresh and cool

23.06.2017 | 14:49 Clock | Frankfurt
Nice and shady, fresh and cool
Nice and shady, fresh and cool
Nice and shady, fresh and cool

Almost 36 degrees and - what does the next week bring? I certainly hope not more heat. After all, living in the city comes with its pros and cons in these bracing temperatures. Of course I feel incredibly Mediterranean when I chat with friends or colleagues in the evening in front of the glowing skyline. And who doesn't enjoy the long days with lots of light? But even better: where there's a lot of light, there's also a lot of shade. Because the heat heats up the asphalt and makes me hardly sleep at night.

At night I sleep with the window open, although I'm sure a lot of you do the same, right? So refreshment is needed, especially since I'm also not one of the lucky ones who make it in an office with air conditioning. (You realize that I once lived in beautiful Stuttgart for a short time, right? ;-)

Short and sweet: What to do when it's hot? In my distress I already thought about moving into the basement. But that's no solution in the long run either...

Instead I find cooling in the shade, in the ice cream parlor or preferably at the water features in the Günthersburgpark. Extra tip: <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping ist-das-der-perfekte-sommer-rekordversuch-und-pokalfinale.html _blank>If you're looking for lakes, you'll find the slightly hidden Schwedlersee in the Ostend.

So here come my five fresh tips for you:

&middot; Water play pool: Water march is the name of the game in many places around the city in these temperatures. Water fountains are bubbling in the ramparts, and in Guenthersburg Park, the water play pool is attracting families with children in particular.

&middot; Forest. It took me a while to discover beyond the Feldberg that there is so much forest sprawling close to town. There's the popular Stadtwald, for instance, which stretches from Sachsenhausen to the airport, or the <link http: sixcms _blank>Enkheimer Ried, Why forest? Forest is shady and cool. (Attention dog owners: the city forest is haunted by a dog enemy who puts out poison bait. So please watch out! ) Extra tip for dog owners: along the Nidda stretches a huge park with plenty of running space for four-legged friends.

In the Stadtwald, I highly recommend the part around Schwanheim, which offers something for everyone: Short and long trails where you don't run into anyone. And of course the Waldspielpark there also offers a water play pool.

&middot; Even more forest. I can't do without Taunus. Sorry J When it's 34 degrees down in the city, a walk to the fox dance is tempting when it's still only 27 degrees. Little refreshment, a slice of cheesecake while lounging in the sun chairs. Bonus: Instantly switch off in nature!

&middot; Ice cream, ice cream, baby! I told you about my favorite ice cream shop last week in <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping nicht-cool-dafuer-aber-soooo-liebenswert-das-tante-emma-gefuehl.html _blank>"Not cool, but sooo adorable". It's nicely shaded and I always find a spot there in the afternoons.

Very delicious is also the <link https: geniesser-tipp s geniessertipp bizziice-koestliches-preisgekroentes-eis-aus-frankfurter-familienbetrieb.html _blank>"Bizzi Ice" in Sachsenhausen (and in the Nordend). I think by the time I finish texting this, I'll have earned myself two scoops: rhubarb curd or almond cardamom? Hmmm. I'll probably go back to the tried and true lemon ice cream after all. What I like at "Bizzi" is the choice between cream and yoghurt ice cream and sorbet. Maybe I'll also go to "Rosa Canina" in the Nordend? After all, with Brussels waffles or 24 varieties of organic ice cream, refreshment in a shady spot is guaranteed.

<link http: sixcms _blank>Wasserspiele Schwanheim and <link https: freizeit s der-guenthersburgpark-nicht-nur-im-sommer-einer-von-frankfurts-beliebtesten-parks.html _blank>Günthersburgpark.

<link http: standorte _blank>Rosa Canina, Spohrstraße 41, Frankfurt

<link http: sorten.html _blank>Bizzi Ice, Wallstraße 26, corner of Brückenstraße, Frankfurt

Fancy some more refreshing relaxation? <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping das-suesse-nichtstun-erfrischend-und-entspannend.html _blank>Then check out the Italian Moments!

I wish you a great week and don't forget: drink a lot! How do you refresh in the heat?

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