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Not cool, but soooo adorable - The auntie feeling

16.06.2017 | 08:39 Clock | Frankfurt
Not cool, but soooo adorable - The auntie feeling
Not cool, but soooo adorable - The auntie feeling
Not cool, but soooo adorable - The auntie feeling

Being cool is sometimes quite exhausting, don't you think? What is exhausting, is exactly then already not cool anymore. Especially not with this heat. You follow me? As you can see, I had a bit of leisure, <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping das-suesse-nichtstun-erfrischend-und-entspannend.html _blank>Indulging in the very sweet idleness that I refreshingly suggested to you last week.

being cool is quite exhausting, I philosophized to myself over my iced coffee these days. More specifically, I'm philosophizing to myself on a daily basis right now. Over an iced coffee. In summer I could really live only on iced coffee and strawberries.

But as far as these soft drinks are concerned, I am a bit particular. I like it to be very Italian mixed. The coffee should be light brown. You know that too, don't you? If you like a meal this way or that and then discover the restaurant somewhere around the corner: nothing special, red and white checkered tablecloths and yellowed photos from 1972 on the walls.

But the service is attentive, cordial, the food top and you always get a seat. And best of all: after the third time the waiter recognizes you, knows what you want and asks: As always? You nod and <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping schon-heimisch-geworden.html _blank>you feel quite homely. For that feel-good factor, I have to order quite a few lattes in the cool locations Frankfurt undoubtedly has. And even then, it's not certain that homey feelings are factored in at cool places. At some kiosks, on the other hand, "seeing and being seen" seems to be important, because as we know, <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping hier-gibts-saures-die-geliebten-wasserhaeuschen-koennen-auch-cool.html _blank>the city's kiosks are not only sour, but also "cool".

At my place in Bornheim, a small ice cream parlour triggers my Tante Emma feeling. Full of people like you and me, not flaunting any attitude, but just lapping up an ice cream.

The grocery store I trust diagonally across the street is run by a Pakistani couple. I'm allowed to just put the money on the counter there when there's no one at the register because they're unpacking in the back of the freezer and carry my magazine away home. After all, the owners know I hit that place almost every Thursday. When the couple was robbed, the whole neighborhood sort of suffered a shock. In these small, lovely places, a togetherness develops, as I only remember it from my childhood in the village. But endearing, but not necessarily cool, can often be found just around the corner. <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping sind-baeckereien-die-neuen-lieblingscafes.html _blank>So is my regular cafe&eacute; rather down-to-earth, because next door the same Bornheimer always squat at their regulars' table and comment on world events. I don't really want to know what they think. But still better than when they wildly insult others on the Internet, I say to myself then. So what makes these places so endearing? Often the same people meet, sit in the same place day in and day out. This familiarity creates roots and grounding. Not the worst basis for life in the maddening and singledominated big city. But for those who are now pondering for themselves <link https: insidefrankfurt s shopping wie-hip-ist-frankfurt.html _blank>how hip Frankfurt actually is, you can check it out and read about it right here on the blog :-)

&middot; Eiscafe "Dolce Vita", Seckbacher Landstraße 63 , 60389 Frankfurt

&middot; "Tante-Emma-Laden", Wöllstädter Straße 7, 60385 Frankfurt

&middot; Trinkhalle Gültekin, Eulengasse 58, 60385 Frankfurt

&middot; Bakery, Berger Straße 298, 60385 Frankfurt

What places trigger that corner shop feeling for you?

What drives you up the wall?
Nice and shady, fresh and cool