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What helps against the January blues?

17.01.2020 | 12:21 Clock | Frankfurt
What helps against the January blues?
What helps against the January blues?
What helps against the January blues?

Are you also afflicted by the January blues? The year's not really getting rolling yet. Sigh. The flab hasn't gone away yet either. Little to be happy about so far. We could, of course, do as our "still friends", the Londoners do.

They've been holding a "No trousers on the tube Day" in the first month of the new year for the past eleven years to chase away the January blues.

Now we know that English humour has been a special one ever since.

And for those of you who are now wondering how our English friends do the action on the tube on the way to work, and wondering if they really do drop their pants, let me assure you: yes.

Ladies and gents wear twine on top, pumps or brightly polished lace-up shoes on the bottom and Speedo briefs or granny's love-butt in the middle. Naggish legwear included.

If you don't believe it, just google it.

But we don't have to resort to such drastic measures right away in Frankfurt.

A poll on my Instagram account revealed that most of you would just find it too cold, too. We always think so delightfully practical in Germany. (Warning: not ironic. Serious.)

But what to do about the January blues? Four things Frankfurt men and women should definitely discover and try in January!

· Ins Mal Seh'n Kino for the Hessian Documentary Film Day on January 26. The selected documentary is super exciting - after all, it's about Europe's last feudal state, the island of Sark in the English Channel. Just imagine, only ten years ago the first democratic elections took place here. And even now, democracy, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are being fought over. Oh, and of course, "Mal Seh'n" is a super cool cinema. I don't want to miss it!

· ice rink on the banks of the Main. From the office right on the ice out goes only until this Sunday, January 19. Rent skates directly at the rink! Then warm up at the Frankfurter Wirtshaus next door. What a beautiful Sunday.

· The weather is crazy. Some mornings I can already drive with the top down and hear the birds chirping. Am I the only one who feels like it's spring? Being active, jogging outside is just that much more fun though. My favourite running routes are of course the Niddapark in the west of Frankfurt or the newly designed Ostpark. Situated opposite the Eisporthalle, the Grünflächenamt has laid runner-friendly surfacing.

Who, on the other hand, prefers fitness clubs, here on Frankfurt-Tipp we always introduce you to something new.

But maybe you're still wondering which sport suits you at all? Then check out my blog post directly, with self-test.

· If you don't feel like Rambazamba and action yet, just put on a mask! It's not Mardi Gras yet, but a fresh face never hurt anyone.
So how about a cosmetic mask night?

The best selection for me is actually carried by Korean Beauty House in Skyline Plaza - everything from anti-aging to moisturizing with aloe vera is on offer. My personal favorite are the sheet masks. If that's too pricey, try the collagen eye pads, found right up front at the register.

As always, you can also find more inspiration in the current print issue of Frankfurt-Tipp. We'll get you well through January, or through the year at all ;-)

What do you think of the English idea? And which of my four tips is most likely to get you through January well?

Mal Seh'n Kino & Café, Adlerflychtstr. 6, Hinterhaus, 60318 Frankfurt (Nordend)

A post by Sabina Brauner

Resolution 2020: Less Routine, More Experiences
English Traces in Frankfurt and Four Fun Facts