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Favorite Places Frankfurt Insel Verlag

Favorite Places Frankfurt

from: Nadja Mayer

published: Insel Verlag

on 14.06.2020

Amazon Link : Favorite Places Frankfurt

There are many city guides about Frankfurt. There are also numerous books that present special places and insider tips in the Main metropolis. But the book "Lieblingsorte Frankfurt" makes it clear that there is always something new to discover and rediscover. Nadja Mayer takes us to favorite places in different parts of the city. Of course, there are many tips that we already know from other books. But Mayer also lets us discover some real insider tips while reading. And as with many other books that present special places in Frankfurt, the same applies here: The mixture makes`s.

After a short introduction, in which the "small big city on the Main" is introduced, it goes first to the city center and old town. Here Nadja Mayer visits such beautiful favorite places as the Wasserhäuschen Fein, which has developed into a wonderful scene meeting place in a very short time, the natural wine shop Cool Climate, the legendary Jazzkeller or the Bistro Salvatore with its delicious pizza. Then it's off to the Westend. Here the author walks with her readers through the Botanical Garden and stops by the designer Ruth Löffelholz. As you can see, the book is full of versatility. This also becomes clear during the stroll through the Nordend. In addition to the Holzhausenschlösschen and the German National Library, you can stop by the unusual restaurant Carte Blanche and the Café Größenwahn.

In Ostend you can discover the art association Familie Montez or the sound installation Sonic Vista, in the Bahnhofsviertel and Gallus in the St. Tropez Bar or cook at Club Michel, in Sachsenhausen, Oberrad and Niederrad you can go from the Brückenviertel to the Dönerboat Istanbul to the Grüne-Soße-Denkmal and finally in Bockenheim and Hausen you can stop at the cinema Pupille or the Senckenberg Museum. Nadja Mayer also introduces a number of favourite places in Niederursel and Nieder-eschbach, Bornheim and Seckbach as well as Schwanheim and Höchst. At the end, all Frankfurt*innen must be quite brave, because on the last pages, the author also takes a look at Offenbach, where she also winks at the rivalry between the two neighbors.

"Lieblingsorte Frankfurt" is a beautiful and readable compilation of places that make our city so special. Whether shopping, pleasure, culture or nature - here everyone will find his favorite place!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp