The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
A Tad Different

A Tad Different

Deutschland 2011 - with Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Waldemar Kobus, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Stefan Kurt, Renate Delfs ...

Movie info

Direction:Andi Rogenhagen
Cinema release:07.07.2011
Production country:Deutschland 2011
Running time:Approx. 87 min.
Rated:Age 6+

As if the life of a teenager wasn't hard enough, Eva (Jasna Fritzi Bauer) has to deal with completely different problems. For instance, there's the fact that her whole family is a bit strange. While Grandma (Renate Delfs) lies down to die every day when she's not blowing up household appliances with fireworks, petty criminal Uncle Bernie (Stefan Kurt) tries his hand at being a rock musician - but with little success. Meanwhile, Eva's father (Waldemar Kobus) hides the fact that he's lost his job and just doesn't want to take on anything new, while her mother (Victoria Trauttmansdorff) is in a kind of permanent buying frenzy. Oh yes, there's also the fact that Eva suffers from Tourette's syndrome and therefore avoids contact with the outside world whenever possible, preferring to spend her time alone in the forest. But when she finds a dead body there one day and her father is offered a job in hectic Berlin, Eva's crazy but perfect world threatens to collapse. But the girl doesn't give up that easily.

Since the main character also suffers from Tourette's syndrome here, the suspicion might arise that Ein Tick anders is just a female version of Vincent will meer, or even, if you want to put it more nastily, just a rip-off of the hit movie. But this suspicion quickly proves to be unfounded. Because Andi Rogenhagen has directed an endearingly weird comedy, which is bursting with original and above all funny ideas. According to the title, the humor is a bit different, which makes the film stand out from the crowd in a refreshing way. A lot of things happen on the side and aren't explained at all, but that's what gives the movie an enormous comic effect. The best example for this is Eva's lovable grandma, who sometimes shoots at Playmobil-men during a conversation or paints the leaves in her garden yellow.

The handling of the topic Tourette's also seems pleasantly relaxed. Andi Rogenhagen shows in a light-hearted but never disrespectful way that people like Eva, who are somehow different according to the norms of our society, are perhaps much more normal in the end than many a normal citizen. That this works is not only due to Rogenhagen's attention to detail in his staging and the wonderfully refreshing script, but also - and perhaps even primarily - due to the good actors, first and foremost new discovery Jasna Fritzi Bauer. The girl masters her first leading role with bravura. Her acting is sometimes a bit dreamy, sometimes very authentic and then again just endearingly funny. With this newcomer, the director has made a real stroke of luck.

A Tick Different proves that it is often the small films that can entertain particularly well. Great actors, anarchic wit, a charming story and a straightforward staging make this comedy a cinema fun for the heart and laughing muscles. A film that would have deserved the big success, just because he is a tad different. Absolutely worth seeing

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp


  • A Tad Different
  • A Tad Different
  • A Tad Different
  • A Tad Different
  • A Tad Different
Cinema trailer for the movie "A Tad Different (Deutschland 2011)"
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