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Coming In

Coming In

Deutschland 2014 - with Kostja Ullmann, Aylin Tezel, Ken Duken, August Zirner, Marvie Hörbiger, Katja Riemann ...

The Frankfurt-Tipp rating:

Movie info

Genre:Comedy, Romance
Direction:Marco Kreutzpaintner
Cinema release:23.10.2014
Production country:Deutschland 2014
Running time:Approx. 104 min.
Rated:From 12 years

Tom Herzer (Kostja Ullmann) is one of the most successful hairdressers in the capital. The cosmetic products that the darling of Berlin's gay scene puts out also sell extremely well. So well, in fact, that even an American corporation wants to invest in Tom - but only if he can also attract the ladies as customers. Although Tom is not at all comfortable with the idea of producing products for women, he is persuaded by his partner and manager Robert (Ken Duken) to take this big step. To find out what women want, Tom has to work for a few days in the small salon of the self-confident Heidi (Aylin Tezel) in the middle of Neukölln. For the star hairdresser, this is pure Armageddon, but contrary to expectations, he is thoroughly impressed by Heidi's engaging Kiez charm and her management of the salon. And Heidi, in turn, realizes that beneath Tom's arrogant facade hides an extremely sensitive, lovable man. And before she knows it, she develops feelings for the gay Tom. And he, too, suddenly senses something that threatens to turn his life completely upside down.

Marco Kreutzpaintner has tried his hand at many different types of material in his career as a filmmaker so far. Whether youth drama (Ganz und gar), fantasy (Krabat) or relentless thrillers about human trafficking (Trade), the multi-award-winning director and screenwriter has always taken on new challenges. And so, in his excursion into the genre of the romantic comedy, he did not simply want to stage another representative of this subject according to a pattern. Rather, he wanted to tell a story in which the lovers still have real hurdles to overcome. Social differences are no longer a real issue and cultural differences have already been completely overused in this genre. The only thing that really still excites people in today's society and creates real challenges is overcoming sexual pigeonholing.

This is how Kreutzpaintner came up with the idea for Coming In, a comedy in which a gay man and a straight woman find each other. With a lot of exaggerated clichés the director wants to break down the borders in our heads and show that especially a feeling like love can't be pigeonholed so easily. A very nice and praiseworthy idea in itself, but its realization is only really successful in places. At the beginning, the characters are just too overdrawn stereotypes that bitch their way through a very shrill and predictable scenario. This gets on your nerves as a viewer and is, apart from a few scenes, not really funny.

Has you survived the first twenty minutes, the film is much better, the characters more sympathetic and also a little more profound and even the previously rather meager humor suddenly works really well. Alone the chemistry between the charming Kostja Ullmann and the really charming Aylin Tezel raises the entertainment value of the film. The fact that Kreutzpaintner, after the deliberately very conventional beginning, tries to give the story a rather unusual twist, then also makes the comedy to a certain extent really interesting.

After a weak beginning and a convincing middle part, it unfortunately goes downhill again a bit towards the end. No question, especially for hopeless romantics the finale is really, really nicely realized. But on the way there, Kreuzpaintner lays it on a bit too thick and lets the clichés, which were actually kept within tolerable limits until then, gain the upper hand again. The last act works much better than the beginning of the film. But the spark just doesn't want to ignite here.

So Coming In is on balance a nice comedy with likeable actors, a good soundtrack and some really nice ideas. However, the potential brought by the story, the actors and also the director itself was actually only fully exploited in the middle part. That's why in the end it's only enough for one: only worth seeing with cutbacks!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp


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  • Coming In
Cinema trailer for the movie "Coming In (Deutschland 2014)"
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