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Deutschland 2014 - with Moritz Bleibtreu, Jürgen Vogel, Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Georg Friedrich ...

The Frankfurt-Tipp rating:

Movie info

Genre:Thriller, Mystery
Direction:Maximilian Erlenwein
Cinema release:15.05.2014
Production country:Deutschland 2014
Running time:Approx. 94 min.
Rated:From 16 years

Erik (Jürgen Vogel) seems to have made it: in the midst of the rural idyll he just wanted to start over, and he has succeeded very well with his own motorcycle workshop and the relationship with single mother Julia (Petra Schmidt-Schaller). But then one day the mysterious Henry (Moritz Bleibtreu) shows up, who seems to know more about Erik's past than he would like. As much as Erik tries to get rid of the stranger, he just won't let him shake him off. Wherever Erik goes, Henry is there too. With cynical comments the stranger tries to provoke Erik and drive him to the brink of madness. More and more, not only his psyche suffers, but also his relationship with Julia. And when more strangers show up, who are clearly not exactly well-disposed towards Erik, the situation threatens to escalate for good.

With the mystery thriller Stereo, Maximilian Erlenwein has created a rather unusual film by German standards, which knows how to captivate well with its dark atmosphere, its brutal intensity and its various levels. It's hard to go into more detail about the different aspects of the thriller without giving too much away. Because Stereo is one of those movies that works best when you know as little as possible about it beforehand. For instance, it would be going too far to name the movies you feel reminded of here. Because thereupon connoisseurs of these works could at least guess some of the twists in the story.

But this much can be said: even if Stereo makes use of some familiar elements, the end result feels delightfully fresh and surprising. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that Erlenwein succeeds very well in enriching the initial idyll with a very depressing underlying mood, through which a consistently captivating tension is created. On the other hand, the very good acting of the two main actors Jürgen Vogel and Moritz Bleibtreu is also responsible for the fact that the film works really well. How Erik is driven by Henry seemingly more and more into the madness, is played by both extremely rousing and multifaceted.

Who expects a fairly straightforward thriller, which could grit their teeth at stereo, however. Because easily accessible the film is not exactly. You have to be able to engage not only with the dark mood and the mysterious story, but especially with the big twist in the last act to feel the full power of this very special trip. If you manage to do that, you'll get a really thrilling and intense piece of German genre cinema, which dares to leave safe paths and works really well because of that. And for that - despite some small lengths and unwieldy moments - there is a very clear: Absolutely worth seeing!

An article by Frankfurt-Tipp


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Cinema trailer for the movie "Stereo (Deutschland 2014)"
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