
This event has already taken place!
stage Ampersand book - Theater
Theater Willy Praml
Event dates:
26.03.2017 - 18:00 Clock (Sunday)
Entry: 22 Euro, reduced 18 Euro, pupils and students 10 Euro
Waldschmidtstraße 19
60316 Frankfurt am Main
At the outbreak of the 2nd World War, the eyes of many people in Europe, overrun by the Germans, turned full of hope or helplessly towards the free world. A perilous escape route was created from Paris to Marseille, which could only be reached by detours and surreptitious routes. There one waited for one's papers and for a ship that would take one to Oran or Casablanca, from there to Lisbon, and from there to the free world. One waited . . . and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited . . .
"Imagine you've made it, your visa, your transit, you're ready to go, you've said goodbye to all your loved ones, left your life behind, and then . . . they deny you the exit stamp."
This is how it is for many, 1940, in Marseille. Text source and more information about this event at:
