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Slowfood at Nykke&Kokki in Frankfurt's West End Mckel

Slowfood at Nykke&Kokki in Frankfurt's West End

Category: Fast & Slow-Food

The name "Nykke&Kokki" is a real tongue twister and also quite difficult to remember. The only thing that helps is practice, because it's worth it!

The tongue happens very good, because we are talking about very high quality wholefood ingredients, which are processed in the kitchen and bakery manufactory to very tasty dishes that have so nothing of the BIO muff or modern ChiChi! They swear by regional products that are free of artificial crap.

You should also keep in mind the difficult name. Finally, a change of pace for lunch or when you don't feel like cooking and take something home for the evening.

It tastes delicious, somehow honest and classic and with delicious bread from their own bakery. You could say, very likeable old-fashioned and still modern.

Modern are also the Green Smoothies, crunchy salads, also vegan etc.

Price absolutely reasonable.

Feldbergstraße 28
60323 Frankfurt
Tel: 069. 97766838
Mail: <link>

Text from: mckel

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