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The 20 best Italian restaurants in Germany - A Frankfurt restaurant in 4th place Carmelo Greco
Carmelo Greco

The 20 best Italian restaurants in Germany - A Frankfurt restaurant in 4th place

Category: More

The MANAGER MAGAZINE has chosen the twenty best Italian restaurants in Germany. After all, a wonderful location from Frankfurt has made it to fourth place: the CARMELO GRECO in Sachsenhausen. The reason of the magazine: "The number one on the Main! Carmelo Greco stands firmly on Italian foundation, locks out the remaining culinary world however not, it uses their achievements for contemporary, taste-safe courts."

The CARMELO GRECO enjoys because of the atmospheric atmosphere of the restaurant, the friendly service and naturally because of the genuine and creative Italian kitchen from best fresh products beyond the borders of Frankfurt an extremely good reputation. Anyone who loves Italian cuisine of the more upscale kind is always well served here.

Ziegelhüttenweg 1-3, Tel. 069/60 60 89 67, <link http: _blank>

You can find the entire Manager Magazin article with all the restaurants in the top 20 at: <link http: lifestyle genuss italienisches-restaurant-die-20-besten-italiener-deutschlands-a-1075466.html _blank>

Text from: / Manager Magazin

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