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The Kleinmarkthalle - A piece of Frankfurt with heart

The Kleinmarkthalle - A piece of Frankfurt with heart

Category: More

The Kleinmarkthalle is one of the most fascinating and certainly one of the most culinary places in Frankfurt. Since the mid-fifties, it has been an integral part of the cityscape of the Main metropolis. Over 150 traders offer their fresh goods here every day, making the Kleinmarkthalle an indispensable meeting place for gourmets and amateur gourmets. Specialities from all over the world are offered under the roof of the hall, which perfectly reflects Frankfurt's highly praised cosmopolitan character. Fruit and vegetables - including unusual varieties from all corners of the globe - sausage and meat specialities, wines, fish, cheese, chocolates, tea, coffee, flowers - all this can be found in an area of around 1,500 square metres.

After the destruction of the first market hall, inaugurated in 1879, during the Second World War, the construction and opening of the new Kleinmarkthalle took place. In the course of time the Kleinmarkthalle itself, the trade and also the relationship of the Frankfurt people to this institution has changed. The hall is a real piece of Frankfurt, for which the people of Frankfurt also fight. When it was said for a while that the Kleinmarkthalle was to make way for a new, more modern building, the citizens went to the barricades - until the lack of money in the city coffers put a (temporary) end to the discussion. So the original charm of the hall remains (for now).

The very special smells that waft around you as you enter the hall, the very special atmosphere and the friendly stall holders actually make every visit to the Kleinmarkthalle an experience. And you will always find something here - after all, there is everything your heart and stomach desire. And the ultimate Kleinmarkthalle experience is, of course, tasting a "Worscht" from Frau Schreiber ("wollensesenfdazu and e Bresche?), at whose stand long queues regularly form. And especially when the weather is nice, it's worth finishing your shopping with a tasty cappuccino or a glass of wine on the gallery.

The Kleinmarkthalle - this is the other, lovable and cosy side of Frankfurt. Try the variety on offer. You'll find it's definitely worth a visit.


Monday to Friday:
8.00 - 18.00
8.00 - 16.00

Location: Hasengasse 5-7 - Frankfurt

More info: <link http:>

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