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The SUPER BROS conquer the Nordend

The SUPER BROS conquer the Nordend

Category: Restaurants

In November, a real Nordend institution had to close with the Schmidt family's game and delicatessen shop. After all, Robert Schmidt had last run the shop in the third generation. In the rooms of the shop, a location has now opened that definitely has what it takes to establish itself as a permanent culinary fixture in Frankfurt, even beyond the Nordend: The Pizzeria SUPER BRO`S! The brothers Giuseppe and Valentino Mazzella have fulfilled a real dream, for which they have also brought their cousin Luca De Simone on board. Together they are the Super Bros, who also have the active support of Alessio De Simone, Luca's brother.

In just three months they have turned what was once a delicatessen into a place where you feel at home as soon as you enter. Anyone who has been in the store in the past will be able to appreciate what an accomplishment has been done here in a relatively short time. Dismantling the long sales counter and all the cupboards, installing the new lighting and the oven alone was certainly no walk in the park. But the effort was worth it, because the ambience that has been created here is really something to behold.

However, a fancy look does not make a good pizza, of course. And especially in a district where there are not exactly few providers of this popular delicacy, it is a great challenge to open a new store that somehow stands out from the competition. However, the team at SUPER BRO`S has succeeded. Because their pizza is really something special. No wonder the feedback was absolutely overwhelming in the very first week. But what makes the pizza, which is prepared in the Neapolitan style, so special? For one thing, there's the dough, which is allowed to ferment for 24 to 48 hours. After that, it goes into the Stefano Ferrara oven, which is heated to almost 500 degrees, and the pizza is ready in just 60 to 90 seconds. The combination of long fermentation and extreme heat makes for a very special taste experience. This is further intensified by the good ingredients. The mozzarella, for example, comes from the L`Abbate family in Offenbach, whose cheese shop has cult status among customers throughout the Rhine-Main area.

The pizza at SUPER BRO`S tastes spicy, the dough is pleasantly moist and is not heavy on the stomach. The range is clearly arranged - and that is the way it should be. As Giuseppe Mazzella himself says, the Super Bros are not star chefs, but what they can do, they can do really well. That's why they prefer to offer a small, but high-quality selection of pizzas. A good decision, as the many enthusiastic guests of the first week attest. The cordial service, which creates an almost familiar atmosphere, as well as the small bar with gin or whisky from Italy put the icing on the cake.

All this ensures that SUPER BRO`S stands out from the many other also very good pizzerias in the neighborhood. We have a clear recommendation: Go there and try one of the delicious pizzas - you will certainly become a fan!

Where?: Oeder Weg 55-57, 60318 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours: Tue - Thu 11am - 10pm, Fri/Sat 11am - 11pm, Sun 4pm - 122pm, Mon day off

You can also find more info at: <link http: _blank>

Or on Facebook: <link http: superbrosfrankfurt _blank>

<link https: _blank> HERE is the video of our visit to the SUPER BROS

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