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Whisky at its finest! - 'Whisky for life' downtown Mckel

Whisky at its finest! - "Whisky for life" downtown

Category: Whisky Blog

With Scotland, a great many people associate wonderful memories of mystical landscapes, immortal shaggy-legged men who have been shooed across the cinema screen in as many iterations as Rocky - in itself also a fine film title for the Highland home movie - and just that great water of life "whisky".

Sure, you can buy this drink in a very limited selection also at Karstadt or order it via Amazon but why, when there is now a new shop in Frankfurt, which has a terrific selection, very knowledgeable and nice advice?!

The world of whiskey does not open up in the "Einfach times take along", but just the advice and the conversation about it with an expert makes joy and leads to many a surprising treasure that provides joy in the glass!

I have spent great hours there, enjoying whisky in the cosy atmosphere (boss does great tasting events) and pursuing Scottish memories.

So much time should be taken when investing in such a wonderful drink!

<link http: _blank>

Fahrgasse 6
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Opening Hours:
Wednesday and Thursday 2-7pm<x><BR</x>Friday 2-8pm<x><BR</x>Saturday 12pm-4pm

Text from: Mckel

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