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The Gold Chamber - Frankfurt new museum Photo: Hubertus Hamm. All rights by Goldkammer Frankfurt GmbH
Photo: Hubertus Hamm. All rights by Goldkammer Frankfurt GmbH

The Gold Chamber - Frankfurt new museum

Category: Museums & Art

A new museum has opened in a listed villa in Frankfurt's West End, just a few meters from Opernplatz. No, that's not quite right, because due to the conditions associated with the protection of historical monuments, the exhibition could not be housed in the house. So another solution had to be found, which in the end turned out to be a stroke of luck. Because the underground tunnels and chambers, which were created in only four years of conception, planning and realization, give the permanent exhibition in the museum gold chamber a truly spectacular character.

On about 480 square meters, visitors to the art and cultural history museum are taken on a journey through the history of gold in various exhibition rooms. 500 exhibits from the last 6000 years are presented thereby. By blending architecture, sound and digital technology, an exhibition experience has been created that quickly captivates visitors of all ages. The unique and valuable exhibits are always in the foreground, but are perfectly set off by the design of the rooms and the use of modern technology. This allows them to tell the story of the fascinating element gold - from its origin in space, to its importance as a status symbol of various cultures, to its use as a means of exchange and payment.

Visitors take an elevator down to the underground rooms. Already in the elevator the experience begins, nevertheless by video elements and a sound installation the impression is obtained that one drives directly into an old mine shaft. And indeed, when you arrive at the bottom, you immediately hear the sound of pickaxes hitting the rock walls. The first station then also immediately shows the perfect interplay of digital video technology and the fascination that emanates from the exhibits, when the visitor suddenly witnesses a meteorite impact and gold stocks are then revealed in the ground.

In the following, visitors are informed about the mining possibilities of gold, can cast a gold bar themselves at a digital station and subsequently touch and lift a real bar. One learns how and where gold is recycled, why there would be no jeans pants without gold or why gold leaf saved a boy's life.

Photo: Hubertus Hamm. All rights reserved by Goldkammer Frankfurt GmbH

From outer space into the wallet

Followed by the "Early Cultures" area, where you almost feel like you are in a pharaoh's tomb. Here is also the oldest exhibit on display: Gold jewelry from the 5th millennium BC. In addition, early means of payment made of gold such as ring money chains or small bowls are exhibited, followed by early gold coins of Croesus or from the time of Alexander the Great. In the "Ancient World" gold was used especially as a sign of power and strength, of which a few more impressive exhibits testify.

In the next room, visitors dive under the surface of the sea and discover pieces that were recovered there. Among them smuggled goods or pieces of the legendary ship Atocha, which the treasure diver Mel Fischer was able to recover after 16 years of searching. In the last room, which can also be rented for corporate events and other functions after regular opening hours, 300 gold bars from the Rothschild Collection are on display. These exhibits are also part of a fascinating video presentation that takes up the entire room and succinctly and very clearly conveys the connection between gold and the world of finance. A truly breathtaking finale.

About the museum store it then goes back up to the premises, which in addition to the cashier area also house the Aureus Café, day bar and restaurant. Here, the well-known chef Christian Senff provides under the roof of the museum for true culinary delights. The Aureus can of course be visited completely independently of the museum and will become a popular meeting place at lunchtime or in the early evening hours, especially thanks to the attractive outdoor terrace on the 1st floor of the building.

A museum for the whole family

By the way, visiting the exhibition is not only interesting for adults. Also children are introduced here in a special way to the element gold. Help is to be thereby an elaborately arranged, interactive fairy tale guidance for going through. Together with the museum mascot Aguila, the children are encouraged to follow a vein of gold embedded in the floor through the individual treasure rooms. At numerous stations, children can discover golden plaques. These can then be scanned with a smartphone or tablet, which can be borrowed, and the collection comes to life through animated video sequences. Aguila uses exciting tales and mysteries to introduce young visitors to the valuable exhibits. This is not only educational, but also a lot of fun!

The Gold Chamber, Degussa's gold museum, is a real asset to the city's museum landscape. One of the most modern museums in Europe lets visitors discover gold in many facets with a skillful combination of culturally and historically significant exhibits and modern technology. This is a fascinating as well as educational experience for young and old.

The Gold Chamber Museum opens exclusively for group tours, events and workshops by appointment.
Feel free to send bookings and questions to or call 069 860068 298.

Adults: 10,00 EUR
Reduced: 5,00 EUR
German Museum Association: 5,00 EUR
Frankfurt Pass holders: 1,00 EUR
Children & Youth under 18 years: free

Focused tour: 30.00 EUR (max. 15 persons), duration approx. 30-40 minutes
It will focus specifically on the highlights of the Gold Chamber collection.

Curatorial tour: 60.00 EUR (max. 15 persons), duration approx. 60-90 minutes
The guides convey everything worth knowing about the exhibited exhibits.

In addition to the cost of the tour, the entrance fee per person.

Find more info at

Address: Kettenhofweg 27, 60325 Frankfurt am Main

Text from: Sebastian Betzold

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