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Bäppi brings back the couch babble

01.11.2016 | 09:30 Clock | Culture
Bäppi brings back the couch babble

The big show format in Frankfurt´s Comedytheater Nr.1.

Four times a year the Theatrallalla opens its doors again for an extraordinary evening. Pure Frankfurt.

Bäppi alias Thomas Bäppler-Wolf and Gabriel Groh invite again on the "Couch" to an as always unforgettable evening. A colourful mix of comedy, live music and first-class artists. Talk guests from politics, sports, culture - or simply people who care about Frankfurt and have something to say are the center of the action.

The Couchgebabbel is not a talk show, in which simply new books are presented, or where it is told with which program one tortures the audience soon or which law the politician has not brought through the council again.

Joking gets hot and loud. Because that's what a talk show is all about. And so the motto of the Couch Gebabbel is in good Frankfodderisch: Mer lasses krache.

Live music may not be missing on such an evening of course. Gabriel Groh and the Theatrallalla Band will again accompany the Crème de la Crème international singers.

The whole thing also has a helping character. We will support the Frankfurter Tiertafel. Every talk guest gets a small fee, which is donated to the Tiertafel. And - this is new - every guest has to bring a donation in the form of animal food of any kind. The Tiertafel cares for animals that belong to the poorest among us, who may have only their pet left to spend their lives with. Food and vets are expensive. We would like to do a little to make things better for some.

That's why ... mark your calendars for 2017.

Bäppi's Couch Babble on:

5.3.2017 / 18.6.2017 / 10.9.2017 / 17.12.2017 each 6.00 pm

Tickets at:


Talk guests will be announced in due time.

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