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City of Frankfurt launches prize for affordable and good housing

05.10.2017 | 08:06 Clock | Citywhispers
City of Frankfurt launches prize for affordable and good housing

(kus) The planning department of the city of Frankfurt am Main is launching a new prize for affordable and good building and housing. This was announced by the head of the planning department, Mike Josef, on Wednesday, October 4, at the Expo Real real estate trade fair in Munich. The "Living for All - New Frankfurt 2018" prize will thus be offered for the first time in October 2017 together with the German Museum of Architecture (DAM) and ABG Frankfurt Holding, with the Federal Foundation for Building Culture supporting the prize as a partner.

The procedure is two-stage. "On the one hand, it is an award for recently realized, affordable and good housing projects in Europe, on the other hand, we want to build later," elaborates Councillor Josef. "Architectural firms can submit exemplary, realised buildings from the last four years. An international jury will then select up to ten prize winners from these submissions in Phase 1."

"All projects will be presented in an exhibition and in a bilingual catalogue," explains DAM Director Peter Cachola Schmal. "With this, we want to stimulate the debate on affordable and good housing." The prize winners will be awarded a cash prize by the City of Frankfurt and thus automatically qualify to participate in the second phase. The prize money amounts to 50,000 euros.

"In Phase 2, the ten prize winners will design apartments on a previously selected ABG Frankfurt Holding project site," says ABG Managing Director Frank Junker. "From these entries, the international jury will then select up to three designs that will subsequently be built on this plot. The plan is to build on a site in Hilgenfeld in Frankfurt, with construction scheduled to begin in late 2019/early 2020."

"The goal of transferring exemplary solutions from Germany and Europe to Frankfurt and also implementing them there is unique to date," emphasizes Reiner Nagel, Chairman of the Bundesstiftung Baukultur. "In this way, the housing market will be stimulated and the topic of affordable housing will be given space with a high public profile."

Architects from Europe are invited to submit their completed buildings by February 2018. The jury session for Phase 1 is scheduled to take place in March 2018, with submissions for Phase 2 due in June 2018. The jury session for Phase 2 is then scheduled for summer 2018, as is the exhibition. Construction is scheduled to begin in late 2019/early 2020, with a publication on the overall process to follow in 2020.

More information on the award is available now at <link http: wohnenfueralle _blank>

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