(kus) Since September, the new FES training vehicle has been rolling through Frankfurt's streets. It is adapted to the special needs of learning people and at the same time actively participates in the household waste collection. On Friday, 29 September, it was presented to the public.
On the waste collection vehicle, which was marked with a special logo, blue longitudinal stripes and advertising wall visible to citizens, work for four weeks per apprenticeship year always three aspiring professional drivers (trainees, qualifiers, novice drivers) and an experienced colleague as a mentor, who guides them, supports and gives feedback.
In order to have free space to learn, the trainees empty significantly fewer bins per day (maximum 500). They collect both paper and organic waste as well as residual waste and thus learn about the different disposal methods. Finally, they are deployed throughout the city, so they are confronted with many typical situations in a short time, such as driving in one-way streets or reversing.
With the new vehicle, FES wants to give prospective drivers - as one component of a comprehensive practical and theoretical training - an optimal start to their careers. The vehicle is also intended to draw attention to the company's many different training and qualification options. Interested parties will receive the relevant information material at the vehicle.
Compared to ordinary professional driver training courses, FES offers fixed working hours, close supervision, above-average pay, a very modern fleet of vehicles, job security and - by combining the activities of driver and loader - significantly more varied work. More information at <link http: www.fes-frankfurt.de karriere _blank>