They have been ready for use for several weeks. Now, on 19 January, at least already six regional vaccination centers are to be put into operation. In addition to Frankfurt, the vaccination centers are Kassel, Giessen, Fulda, Wiesbaden and Darmstadt. The remaining vaccination centres will start operating as soon as sufficient vaccine is available. In the six vaccination centers, which will start on January 19, Hessians who belong to the highest priority group according to the Corona vaccination regulation of the Federal Ministry of Health can be vaccinated. The six vaccination centers serve cities and the entire surrounding area (which Regional Vaccination Center covers which cities and towns is listed HERE). This means that there is a Regional Immunization Center responsible for every Hessian.
For their personal Corona vaccination, members of the first group can register starting January 12, 2021. There are two paths to this personal vaccination appointment:
1. telephone registration via the hotline 116 117
2. online registration via the website
Important update on the Frankfurt Vaccination Centre (18.01.2021)
There will be two entrances for the vaccination center Frankfurt Messe Festhalle!
Entrance for all mobile vaccination-eligible persons who can travel, for example, by public transport or taxi:
Please give preference to the barrier-free entrance City in the Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage. The entrance is located directly at the subway and tram.
The entrance via the staircase access in Brüsseler Straße can also be used by mobile vaccination-eligible persons.
Entrance only for vaccination beneficiaries with a mobility limitation, such as a walking disability, who need to arrive by car:
The entrance will then be via TOR OST in Brüsseler Straße, or via TOR NORD in Theodor-Heuss-Alle, both in 60327 Frankfurt am Main. At both gates, the vaccination entitlement of immobile vaccination beneficiaries will also be checked in order to be able to enter.
Parking area P 1 will be kept ready for these vaccination beneficiaries next to the Festhalle, where the vaccination centre is located.
Only one accompanying person at a time will be allowed in the vaccination center to assist those being vaccinated.
Drinks will not be served in the vaccination center. You will need to bring these with you if needed.
Please be sure to:
The entrance for the Immunization Center Frankfurt Festhalle is not in Ludwig-Erhardt-Anlage 1, as it was inadvertently stated in the cover letter of the state of Hesse to the senior citizens for registration and appointment.
Please do NOT travel if you do NOT have an immunization appointment! Those without an appointment will not be granted access to the Immunization Center.
For more information on how to travel by public transportation, please visit on the Internet.
Registration by phone or online
Appointments can be made from 12 January 2021. Those who want to find out about vaccination in Hesse before then can access the information available at or the website of the Robert Koch Institute For general questions, the citizens' telephone of the Hessian state government is available: 0800 555 4666.
The Hessian Minister of the Interior Peter Beuth and the Hessian Minister of Health Kai Klose said: "We will open the six Regional Vaccination Centres from 19 January. Given the manageable quantities of vaccine, they will not yet be running at full capacity, yet thousands of citizens will be able to receive their vaccination every week across the state. As soon as there is increased vaccine production and further approvals for effective vaccines in Europe, we will be able to open our other vaccination centres. Currently, however, the highest priority is still protection in the elderly and nursing homes, as well as for staff in the most vulnerable hospitals."
Nearly 21,400 Hessians have received first vaccination
So far, the state of Hesse has received nearly 100,000 vaccine doses since December 26, 2020. Half of the available amount will initially be stored safely at the state's distribution center at around minus 70 degrees on the advice of the federal government, in order to be able to ensure the important second vaccination in any case. This is usually to take place three weeks after the first vaccination. In the first five days of the statewide vaccination campaign, about 21,400 people were vaccinated in Hesse.
Protection for those who need it most
Residents and staff of retirement and nursing homes are currently being visited by the mobile teams of the counties and cities in the facilities. Potentially, a total of about 113,000 women and men in Hesse are eligible for vaccination here. In addition, employees in hospitals, which are particularly challenged in the fight against SARS-COV-2, can currently receive a vaccination. The specialist staff based there undertake the vaccination of potentially around 15,000 people themselves.
In addition to these groups of people, the highest priority for protective vaccinations includes the employees of the emergency services and outpatient care services, as well as all other people over the age of 80 who have not already been vaccinated by the mobile teams in the elderly and care facilities. In total, the first group according to the vaccination ordinance of the federal government in Hesse counts about 567,000 people. Hesse follows the prioritization issued in the vaccination regulation of the federal government (see "Background").
"Citizens who are willing to be vaccinated and who cannot yet be vaccinated, we ask for patience for the time being. The prioritization of certain groups of people is mandated by the Federal Ministry of Health and is compelling in nature because there is not yet enough vaccine available to vaccinate everyone who wants it. We are all working quickly to ensure that it goes ahead as quickly as possible in Hesse," Interior Minister Peter Beuth and Health Minister Kai Klose stressed.
Background: nationwide classification of the prioritization groups according to the vaccination ordinance
A. Highest priority vaccinations (§ 2 ImpfVO)
People aged 80 and over. Lebensjahr
Personen in Alten- und Altenpflegeeinrichtungen (Mitarbeiter/innen und Bewohner/innen)
Employees of ambulatory care services
Employees in medical facilities with a very high risk of exposure to Covid-19 (esp. Intensive care units, emergency rooms, rescue services)
Employees in medical facilities where persons are treated in whom Covid-19 infection is expected to be severe or fatal (esp. Hemato-oncology, transplant medicine)
B. High-priority vaccinations (§ 3 ImpfVO)
People aged 70 and older. Age
Persons at special risk of severe or fatal course of infection (persons with trisomy 21, dementia or mental retardation and organ transplant recipients)
Persons in homeless and asylum seeker shelters
People working in the public health service or in a particularly relevant position to maintain hospital infrastructure
C. Vaccinations with increased priority (§ 4 ImpfVO)
Persons aged 60 and over. Age
Persons who are at increased risk for severe or fatal disease progression following infection with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus due to a specific chronic pre-existing condition.
Persons who work in areas of medical facilities with low risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, particularly laboratories and personnel who do not care for patients with suspected infectious diseases
<x>.N</x>Persons working in particularly relevant positions in governmental institutions, especially in governments and administrations, armed forces, police, fire brigades, civil protection, parliaments and judiciary,
Persons working in a particularly relevant position in other critical infrastructure institutions and companies, in particular in the pharmacy sector, in the pharmaceutical industry, in the water and energy supply, food and waste management, in the transport and traffic sector as well as in information technology and telecommunications,
People working as educators or teachers,
. Persons, with precarious working and/or living conditions, especially seasonal workers, workers in distribution centers or the meat processing industry,
Persons working in retail trade.
Note: General questions about Corona will continue to be answered on 0800 - 555 4666 and at answered.