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'Kreuz und quer' takes the title of 'Germany's most beautiful regional book'

30.09.2017 | 12:33 Clock | Citywhispers
'Kreuz und quer' takes the title of 'Germany's most beautiful regional book'

Jury awards GrünGürtel guide

Congratulations: the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and the Stiftung Buchkunst have awarded the book <link https: lese-tipp s buch kreuz-und-quer-durch-den-frankfurter-gruenguertel-cocon-verlag.html _blank>"Kreuz und quer durch den Frankfurter GrünGürtel", the official guide to the GrünGürtel, as "Germany's most beautiful regional book 2017".

(kus) The walking guide, designed by the GrünGürtel project group and published by Cocon-Verlag, beat off nationwide competition. The award was presented as part of the nationwide regional book days "Heimat erlesen" at the Schott bookstore in Bornheim.

The 288-page hiking guide "Kreuz und quer" invites you to explore and relax in the GrünGürtel. The jury particularly praised the successful presentation of the book, the photos, the high-quality cover, the clear maps, the informative route descriptions and the many tips for stopping off on the hiking tours. In addition, the reasonable price of 16.80 euros was also positively evaluated.

The 25 tours invite you to visit the Berger Rücken, the Stadtwald, the Niddaauen, the Oberräder Gärtnerland or the Fechenheimer Mainbogen with open eyes or to discover the Schwanheimer Dünenlandschaft, bizarre old oaks, mysterious ponds, ramparts and old patrician parks.

"We are very pleased to receive this award," said Peter Dommermuth, head of the environmental office. "It confirms our concept of protecting the GrünGürtel as a natural area, but also making it usable as a recreational area for people."

The book "Kreuz und quer durch den Frankfurter GrünGürtel. Tours, Tips and Topics", ISBN 978-3-86314-317-6, has been thoroughly revised in the second edition to mark the 25th anniversary of the GrünGürtel and offers a special service with the inserted GrünGürtel leisure map. It has 288 pages and costs 16.80 euros. It was published by Cocon Verlag Hanau and is available in every bookstore

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