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Largest public bookcase opened

22.08.2018 | 15:26 Clock | Culture
Largest public bookcase opened

(ffm) Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann opened the city's largest public bookcase on Wednesday, August 22. It is located in the World Café of the non-profit GFFB. The offer is mainly aimed at children, but also at adults from the Gallus. Unemployed people from the Aktivcenter and participants in GFFB training courses run the World Café.

"In the rich city of Frankfurt, one in five children grows up in poverty. Not all of them can afford books. But they all need equal rights, equal opportunities and an environment that promotes their development," Feldmann said. He described reading as a "key competence for social participation" and underlined the educational and social value of the project. The Lord Mayor highlighted the World Cafés dual function of providing an offer for people in the district and contributing to integration into the labour market.

Feldmann thanked the GFFB, founded in 1994, for its work. He said it makes people strong for their future. "They work tirelessly towards the goal of advancing equal opportunities for women and men in working life," the Lord Mayor told the company's employees and managers

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