Since the weekend, Höchst has been celebrating again. And this beautiful part of town has dressed up for the occasion. Until July 9, the <link https: veranstaltungen s event hoechster-schlossfest-1.html _blank>Schlossfest invites you to celebrate and enjoy with many beautiful program points. Last weekend, the popular Old Town Festival attracted many visitors to Höchst, where the Schlossfest was opened by Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann.
"Many thanks to the Vereinsring and associations, to the helpers who provide for our enjoyment in their free time and thus contribute to the strong cohesion in our city," said Feldmann, asking the audience for applause. "This applause also goes to the sponsors. like you, dear Mr. Vormann. Without you, festivals like this would not be possible!"
This year, the municipal initiative #cleanffm, for which the municipal staff unit "Sauberes Frankfurt" is responsible, will stand by the initiators as a partner of the Höchst Schlossfest. #cleanffm offers a variety of information and measures on the subject of cleanliness during the festival. Clean ffm, together with the festival organisers, had already invited the people of Höchst to clean up their district a week before the start of the festivities, to rid it of rubbish and to spruce it up for the Schlossfest.
"With the #cleanffm campaign, we don't want to raise an educational index finger, but rather to focus on personal responsibility for our city and personal surroundings. We want to motivate all Frankfurt residents to become part of this campaign," said the Lord Mayor. "Some of you, dear guests, were out and about in your district last Saturday with picker tongs and rubbish bags. For that, a big compliment to you. Thank you very much for your efforts! And now I wish all guests a wonderful 62nd Höchster Schlossfest!"
The opening weekend will be followed by the "3rd Höchster Just White Dinner" on Königsteiner Straße on Tuesday, July 3, musical performances in the KulturKeller and various guided tours through the district. The final weekend begins on Friday, July 6, with rock music on the big stage in Brüningpark. The amusement park on the banks of the Main and the French Gourmet Market on Schlossplatz will also open on July 6. On Saturday and Sunday, Irish and Hessian music groups will be guests. And on July 9, the Schlossfest ends with the big fireworks display at 10:30 p.m.
You can find the whole program at <link http: _blank>