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New Goetheturm to finally open in October 2020

29.06.2020 | 16:41 Clock | Favorite places
New Goetheturm to finally open in October 2020

The anticipation was great: For the annual Goetheturmfest at the beginning of May, the Goetheturm, destroyed by arson in 2017, was supposed to be standing again. Unfortunately, nothing came of it - not only because the festival could not take place this year due to the Corona pandemic. Now, however, a big step has been taken towards rebuilding: the wood used for the new tower has been brought from northern Spain to the southern Black Forest. Here, at the Amann company in Weilheim, the individual wood and steel elements will be further processed - into supports and struts, steps and railings. In Frankfurt, the tower, whose foundation was poured in winter, will then be assembled with the help of a huge crane, whose site is currently being prepared, and will then shine in new splendor at its old location.

That the approximately 43-meter-high tower also meets the wishes and expectations of the Frankfurt people, of which Jan Schneider, head of the building department, made himself a picture last week at the company Holzbau Amann. And his impression seems to be a positive one, because the construction of the tower in Sachsenhausen is supposed to start already at the beginning of July, as soon as the single parts have been transported to Frankfurt by trucks. If everything then goes according to plan, the new Goethe Tower will be in place by mid-August. The opening is then planned for October. How big it will be depends, of course, on how the Corona events will look in the autumn.

But regardless of whether it will be a big bash or more of an intimate opening - the people of Frankfurt are happy to finally have their Goetheturm, one of the most popular landmarks of our city, back in a few months. And at the latest for the Goetheturmfest 2021 there will be a big party!

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