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Running for Europe: The first European Youth Marathon will take place in Frankfurt

17.10.2018 | 13:27 Clock | Sport
Running for Europe: The first European Youth Marathon will take place in Frankfurt

Parallel to the big Frankfurt Marathon on 28 October, the European Youth Marathon will also take place for the first time in 2018. Here, young people between 15 and 25 years of age can run along, who have to master a 4.2-kilometre route through the city centre starting at 11 am from the exhibition centre. Under the motto "Run to save Europe", schoolchildren from all over Hesse, vocational school pupils, trainees and students are called upon to run for the European idea.

All young people who lace up their sports shoes for the first European Youth Marathon will be entered into a prize draw. Three high-quality bicycles will be raffled off in the week following the marathon.

The race is a project of the "My Europe" initiative, which was launched in 2011. Its success resulted in the creation of the non-profit independent association "My Europe 2100" in 2016. The "European Youth Marathon" project is the association's first project on this scale. Previously, "My Europe" held workshops for young people in each European country, bringing them together with entrepreneurs, scientists, politicians and media representatives.

For all further info on the race, visit: <link https: _blank>Https://

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