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Sachsenhausen designs the future: presentation of the award-winning Schweizer Platz designs

21.09.2023 | 13:36 Clock | Favorite places
Sachsenhausen designs the future: presentation of the award-winning Schweizer Platz designs

For the presentation of the winning designs for the redesign of Schweizer Platz, about 150 citizens and representatives of clubs, associations and the local council 5 met on Wednesday, September 20, in the Saalbau Südbahnhof in Sachsenhausen. The three winning teams from the traffic and open space planning competition each presented their design and explained how they had taken into account the citizens' suggestions from the public participation in the fall of 2022 in their designs. Those present were given another opportunity to provide feedback.

City Councilor Wolfgang Siefert opened the event with a clear commitment to citizen participation: "Throughout the planning process, it is important to us to work closely with you, the citizens, to make Sachsenhausen livable and future-oriented." The presentations by the three winning teams, who impressively presented their award-winning designs and showed how they incorporated the issues from the public participation process into their planning, generated a great deal of interest.

In the second part of the event, the winning teams offered participants the opportunity to talk with the design authors at specially set-up theme stations, to learn more details about the designs, and to express their thoughts and opinions on the designs directly. In addition to the winning designs, the results of public participation and the further course of the project were discussed at two additional stations. In an atmosphere of openness and respect, a lively dialogue took place between those present and the teams from the planning offices. The citizens were open-minded about the presented designs, looked at them critically and gave valuable feedback. On the other hand, the planners were grateful for the lively interest and constructive contributions. They particularly appreciated the opportunity to learn from local expertise and to understand Sachsenhausen's special features even better.

For those who could not attend the evening event, the first part of the event was broadcast live. The recording is still available on the project website at

The city will now take the next steps. The winning teams are invited to revise their designs in accordance with the jury's recommendations and submit bids for the design. A result of the award procedure for commissioning the further planning phases is expected in the second quarter of 2024. At the same time, the tender for the planning of Schweizer Straße will be issued, for which commissioning is also planned for the second quarter of 2024.

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