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Security in Frankfurt: Temporary access protection at public places

04.01.2018 | 12:22 Clock | Citywhispers
Security in Frankfurt: Temporary access protection at public places

Security Department Head Frank and Police Chief Bereswill implement first measure for temporary access protection at public places

.(kus) "The safety of our citizens of Frankfurt and our numerous guests is a top priority for the Magistrate," said Head of Security Markus Frank on the occasion of the installation of the first concrete blocks at Opernplatz, which will serve as temporary access barriers. He added: "With the implementation of this measure, we are taking a first important step in a security concept for our public squares and pedestrian zones in Frankfurt am Main."

Crowds are exposed to a latent high risk as "soft targets" with regard to terrorist attacks through the use of large motor vehicles. This applies not only to events in public spaces, but also to general business traffic and daytime activities, as is unfortunately also present from several European metropolises in the recent past.

Police President Gerhard Bereswill pointed out that the security authorities are currently not aware of any concrete plans for attacks, but stressed: "The abstract threat situation is still high, so that it is necessary to provide special protection for individual relevant locations. I had therefore asked my experts from the field of operations some time ago to analyse such particularly endangered locations and to draw up proposals on how security can be improved in public places through protective measures."

This is where the responsibility of the Magistrate comes into play. As a first measure, mobile temporary access blockades have now been set up at public places and access roads for pedestrian zones in the inner city area. The first of these measures was the access road to Opernplatz from Bockenheimer Landstraße and the access roads to Fressgass' and Hauptwache.

These measures, which were implemented and coordinated by the city's Tourismus+Congress GmbH (TCF), provide for the existing concrete barriers that protected people on the banks of the Main on New Year's Eve and were previously also used in the Christmas market area. These will not be stored but will continue to be used. When setting up access barriers, numerous boundary conditions have to be taken into account, including the guarantee of fire brigade access and rescue routes despite access restrictions, as well as special signage and road markings, passability and space conditions for delivery and construction site traffic and passability for cyclists and pedestrians. All affected city departments and institutions have coordinated in advance and developed detailed plans.

"We thank all those involved for their technical expertise and cooperation. At present, we are also looking into permanent access restrictions at the neuralgic locations, which can also be designed in an attractive manner in terms of urban development. However, it will take a long time to implement them in accordance with engineering requirements and constructional conditions. However, it is our claim and our obligation to provide for an increased safety of the people at the particularly endangered places with temporary measures already at the present time. All citizens should be able to move freely and safely in public and go about their business," said both the head of security and the Frankfurt police chief in conclusion

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